chapter seven.

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Drew and I arrived at a cute little restaurant and we were seated in the outdoor seating area. It was hot out, but not unbearable, and there was a nice breeze that felt refreshing every few minutes. Drew and I made small talk until our food came. He got a grilled chicken sandwich and I just got a salad. We both began eating immediately since we were both starving.

"So, I wanted to ask you," Drew started as he finished chewing his food. I looked up at him and waited for him to continue. "Where are you doing an internship?"

"Uh," I let out a small laugh. "I actually got an internship with Netflix. They technically don't do internships but one of my professors who I'm kinda close with, she knew somebody and got me in there." I told him as I took a sip of my water.

"Wait, that's so cool," He gawked in surprise. "Do you know what you'll be doing?"

"Kinda whatever the directors and producers tell me to do. They'll show me a whole bunch of stuff, I'll help them out with whatever they need. I guess kind of like an assistant?"

"That's awesome. And you start Monday?" He asked me and I nodded in response. "So then your degree is gonna be in film?"

"Yeah, pretty much." I nodded. "Media production."

"And what do you wanna do with that?" He asked me before he took another bite of his sandwich.

"It seems kinda far-fetched," I lightly chuckled. "But uh, I wanna be a filmmaker."

"A filmmaker, huh?" He asked as he swallowed his food and I nodded as I now ate another forkful of my salad. "That's not far-fetched at all. Have you made like short films and all that stuff?" Again, I nodded as I was chewing and I didn't want to talk with food in my mouth. "Can I find them anywhere?" Drew asked as he pulled out his phone.

My eyes widened and I immediately started shaking my head. "No, no, no," I mumbled as I swallowed my food. "Please don't look anything up." I begged. Though it was my dream to make movies, I was embarrassed of the work that I did in high school and my first few semesters at college that can easily be found on my YouTube channel.

Drew didn't answer me and I saw him typing and scrolling on his phone for a few seconds. I facepalmed myself as he was going to come across my channel any second, and he did.

"Mallory Hudson, YouTube." Drew smirked as he was still looking at his phone.

"You seriously don't have to watch that stuff, I mean, it's from like years ago, it doesn't really show how much better my work has gotten." I told him, praying that he wouldn't watch anything.

"I won't watch anything," He chuckled, still looking at his phone while scrolling, I'm assuming through my channel. "Not right now, anyways." He grinned as he now put his phone down.

I rolled my eyes, realizing there was no way to actually stop him from seeing my videos, unless I deleted my entire channel right then and there, but my work was more important to me than that.

"Oh, whatever," I cracked a smile. Part of me felt excited that he seemed so interested in my work, but he was an actor after all, and I knew he had been in quite a few short films himself.

Drew and I continued to talk about the entertainment industry and what it's been like for him. I was so fascinated to find out more about him, and he seemed so proud to talk about how his hard work has paid off.

I noticed a group of girls sitting a few tables across from us whispering and pointing at us as Drew was still talking. He noticed that I looked over at them for a second and he stopped talking, his attention now on them. I watched him as he smiled and sent them a wave, the girls immediately squealing with each other.

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