Chapter 40

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Lillian's P.O.V

Once I get to my room I slam the door shut which shakes the whole apartment.

"What the hell Lillian what's wrong? And why are you all wet? If they dumped that water on you they're dead."

"They pushed me in the pool." I try to say without crying.

"What? Why would they do that?"

"Matthew wanted to make a vine. I've already told him I don't like being in them."

"Oh my god they're such jerks. Come on let's get you out of those wet clothes." he walks over to me.

"No these are the only pajamas I brought."

"You can wear one of my t-shirts."

"No that's okay I-"

"Lillian." he cuts me off. "It's not an option, I'm not going to let you wear wet pajamas." he gets a shirt from his drawer and throws it at me. "I'll be right back." he heads for the door.

Hayes' P.O.V

"Where are you going?" she asks.

"I'm gonna go kick their asses for pushing you in the pool."

"No. Will you just stay with me? Please?"

She wants me to stay with her? Of course I want to but I also want to put Matt in his place. "Sure I'll stay but I'm just going to get a glass of water first so get changed while I'm gone." I leave and shut the door behind me.

Out in the living room I see the boys playing a board game and laughing. I ignore them and get my glass of water.

"Hayes! Come play with us." Cameron yells at me.

"No thanks I'm hanging out with Lillian." I say annoyed that they even asked me that.

"Suit yourself. It's more fun out here." Matthew says.

"What the hell is your problem?" I say and slam my cup on the counter.

"What do you mean?" Matt asks.

"Lillian loves you, she looks up to you. You're her idol. Why do you treat her like this?"

"So I pushed her in the pool, what's the big deal? She's not afraid of water."

"She's told you before she doesn't like being in your videos. She trusted you and you broke that trust."

"That was good for her. She needs to be less reliant on me."

"She's your sister! She's suppose be reliant on you." I raise my voice.

"Hayes." Nash says strictly. "This is family business. Stop getting involved."

I leave without another word and go back to my room. I close my eyes and open the door. "Are you dressed? I don't want to look if you're naked."

"I'm dressed you can look." Lillian says.

I open my eyes and see her in one of my plain grey t-shirts and smile.

"What?" She asks and looks down. "Do I look bad?"

"No." I laugh. "I like you in my clothes. You look cute."

"Courtney probably looks better." she says.

"Courtney doesn't even wear my clothes. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing a t-shirt." I laugh. Lillian doesn't say anything so we stand there in silence. She's so nice and genuine, when am I gonna find another girl like this? I run over to her and push her up against the wall.

"Hayes stop what are you doing?" She tries to push me away.

"I want to kiss you..."

"No." she pushes me off and walks over to the bed. "You have a girlfriend."

"So? I like you, I'm gonna break up with her." And I meant it.

"No don't break up with your girlfriend for me. I can't handle that."

"Don't be scared of Courtney I can take care of her."

"I'm not scared of her I just don't like being the girl that a guy dumps his girlfriend for."

"Lillian it's not like that."

"I'm only fourteen. I can deal without a boyfriend but I can't deal with drama. I've only talked to Courtney once and I already know she's full of drama and I don't like it."


"Can we just go to bed I'm tired."

"Fine but I still like you." I smirk at her.

"Goodnight Hayes." she rolls her eyes and crawls into bed.

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