Chapter 1

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Matthew's P.O.V

When I get the text from Cam I can't contain my eagerness and start jumping up and down in the middle of McDonald's. It's all set, I am going to move into an apartment in California with Nash, Cameron and Carter; my three best friends. How can this get any better?

Sure, we have gone on MagCon tours before because we're "famous" on Vine, but this is the real thing. I'm going to live in California with them. I soon remember that I'm leaving tomorrow and haven't packed at all so I stop jumping, grab the food and flee the restaurant.

After I pull into the driveway, I jog to the porch. I open the front door, step inside and freeze. On the couch in front of me sits my younger sister, Lillian.

She's still in her long sleeved, navy blue dress that she wore to school and I can tell she straightened her hair again because her usual wavy, blonde hair is now pin straight. She's staring blankly at the television screen which is off. I close the door quietly. "Lil...?" I question. She looks over at me and instantly smiles. "Matty!" she squeals then runs up to me and jumps into my arms.

"I got dinner." I say as I put her down. I hand Lillian a salad, remembering she's a vegetarian, and keep my burger. "Let's eat."

Lillian and I eat in silence at the kitchen table for a few minutes. "So how was your first day?" I ask her just as she takes a bite of her salad. "Horrendous." she says with her mouth full. I chuckle a little at her vocabulary.

"Okay and what made it so horrendous?" She swallows her food this time. "My classes are all over the school, my teachers are mean, the upperclassmen are scary and-"

"It's only high school, Lilly." I interrupt. She opens her mouth like she's going to say something but closes it soon after.

As we go back to eating in silence, my mind wanders to what happened earlier today. When Cam texted me that we got the apartment I couldn't believe it. A smile grew on my face just thinking about it.

Apparently Lillian noticed because she says, "What's with the goofy smile?" and giggles.

Shit. I forgot to tell Lillian. At that moment my dad stumbles through the door and I can already tell he's drunk. I know Lillian can tell too because worry grows on her face and she stands up. "I'll be in my room." she says quickly and starts to walk away.

"Wait, I have some good news to tell both of you." Lillian turns around and looks at me and my dad does the same. I take a deep breath. "So you guys both know that Vine is a huge part of my life. There are so many great opportunities that go along with it and one of them is in California and um... I'm moving there. To California. I already have an apartment and everything and I'm leaving tomorrow."

It's silent for a moment then my dad speaks, "Well that's great son. Buying you that iPhone finally paid off." he said... supportively? My dad, supportive? What's with this sudden personality change. "Thanks dad that really means a lot." He heads for the stairs.

"Well I'm going to bed. I don't know if I'll be up tomorrow morning in time to say goodbye so I'll just say it now. Bye." Then he goes upstairs.

I look back at Lillian who still hasn't said anything. "So what do you think, Lil?" She looks down at her hands as I await her answer.

She finally looks up and her eyes are watering and her mascara is smeared. "What do I think? Why are you moving, Matty, why are you leaving me?" Tears begin to roll down her cheeks. I don't know what to say.

"Lillian, you know it's my dream to live in California." I say carefully.

"It's my freshman year, I have one friend and you're leaving me alone with dad?" She wipes her eyes only to smear her mascara more.

"He's changed Lillian. He doesn't hit us any-"

"Us?" she cuts me off. "He barely touches you." she says coldly. But she does have a point. Dad goes after her way more than me.

All of a sudden she hugs me tightly. "Please don't go Matthew, please don't leave me!" she cries into my shoulder. I pull her back so I'm looking into her eyes.

"I have to. The boys already got the apartment, I can't back out now I..." I trail off as Lillian leans against the wall, slides to the ground and covers her face with her hands.

"Come with me." I blurt.

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