Chapter 35

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Hayes' P.O.V

"Ow!" I yell as someone jumps on top of me.

"Get up Hayes!" I hear Nash yell.

"Get off of me Nash." I groan.

"Get up breakfast is ready."

"Breakfast?" I yawn and sit up. "But I always make breakfast."

"Get up or you'll miss all the bacon." Nash teases. I love bacon so I sprint into the kitchen before Nash. I see Matthew setting out some plates.

"Wow Matt this food actually looks edible." I say shocked.

Matthew glares at me. "And what is that suppose to mean?" He questions.

"Nothing. Just that you're a bad cook." I laugh.

"Well you'll be happy to hear that I did not make the breakfast. Lillian did."

"Lillian?" I turn to face her. "You did?"

She blushes. I know she's not my girlfriend but she's just so cute. "Yeah but Matt did help."

"You like to cook?" I ask.

"Yeah." She blushes again.

"Me too." I smile.

"Let's eat guys!" Matthew yells and everybody comes into the kitchen. We all got our food and sat down, me next to Lillian of course. All of the boys start talking to I decide to chat with Lillian.

"What no bacon?" I ask Lillian.

"I'm a vegetarian." she tells me.

"Seriously? What is the point of that meat is awesome."

"Well for some people it's because they don't want to eat animals and for other people it's religious."

"So why are you?" I ask.

"I don't know. I guess because it's a little healthier." she says quietly.

"Well you're pretty thin-"

"I have to go to the bathroom." she says interrupting me and standing up.

"Where are you going Lil?" Matthew asks her.

"Bathroom." She answers.

"Do you want me to go with you?" He offers.

"To the bathroom? I think I'm good." She starts to walk away.

"Lillian." Matt says and stands up.

"What?" A look of realization crosses her face. "Oh my god you think I'm going to throw up?"

"Well it would make sense, you're leaving right after the meal like you always do."

"Like I did. I don't do that anymore. You must not have any faith in me." Lillian runs out of the room.

Did Lillian have an eating disorder?

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