Chapter 46

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Hayes' P.O.V

When I get back to the apartment, everybody's out of their pajamas and gathering things around. I see that Maya's here and wonder where everyone's going. 

"Uh what's going on?" I ask to no one in particular.

"We're going shopping." says Nash. "You coming?"

I look around for Lillian and spot her on the couch. "Nah I'm good. I think I'll stay." I say and go sit on the couch by Lillian.

"She's coming with us you know." Matt whispers to me.

I jump up from the couch. "On second thought shopping sounds fun."

"Okay everybody we are now leaving." Matt says as he stands on the couch. "Maya, Lillian, and Hayes in my car. Everyone else in Cameron's car. Let's move out troops!"

We all head down to the parking garage and I stick towards the back with Lillian. "I'm so excited for the mall this will be so much fun!" I say to her. "I just love the mall don't you?" All girls love the mall what makes Lillian any different?

"Not really if I'm honest." she says.

"Yeah me neither. The mall sucks." I say and she laughs. Nice save.

"I just need some new clothes. I'm not looking for a whole new wardrobe or anything, just enough so I won't be wearing the same thing everyday."

"You'll look great in anything you wear." I tell her.

"I doubt it." she says softly. I grab her arm and stop her from walking.

"Stop degrading yourself. You're beautiful." 

"Courtney is beautiful." she says.

"You don't need to compare yourself to her. Yes she's beautiful, but every girl is beautiful in their own way." I know that sounds cheesy but it's true and she needs to hear it.

"Not me." Lillian says.

"Especially you." I tell her and look her in the eyes with sincerity in my voice. "It's okay if you don't think you're pretty right now it takes work to truly love yourself, but just know that you're always pretty in my eyes. And Lil you've got to understand that beauty isn't always physical. You are so caring and kind-hearted and you have the best intensions, and to me that makes you the most beautiful person I know."

Matthew pulls his car up next to us and honks the horn. "Hey you two stop flirting and get your asses in the car."

Lillian and I get in the back seat and Matt drives us to the mall.

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