Chapter 48

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Hayes' P.O.V

At the mall I keep my distance from Lillian. I don't want to make her uncomfortable while she was picking out clothes. Nash and I are kind of just roaming the mall and not really doing any shopping. We decide to take a break and sit on a bench. "So you and Lillian are getting pretty close huh?" he asks me.

"Yeah it's great. We've become really good friends." I get a huge smile on my face just talking about her.

"Are you treating her alright?"

"Why does everybody keep asking me that? Am I really that horrible of a person that you have to make sure I'm nice to girls?" I say a little too loud.

"Hayes... that's not what I'm saying at all. You're a great person and I'm your brother so I would know."

"Then stop asking me that. I'd never be disrespectful to Lillian or any girl for that matter." I cross my arms and turn away from Nash. He takes a deep breath and turns me towards him. "The reason I asked you that is because in the past Lillian has had some... problems." I wipe the pout off of my face and look at Nash with a serious face. "What kind of problems?" I ask worried.

"I don't know all of the details but I do know at one point she tried to kill herself. It's hard to relate because yes I've had bad days but never depression. Can you imagine how dark of a hole you'd have to be in to leave everyone you love behind because the pain is so unbearable?"

"That's awful. I had no idea."

"Matt feels like it's his fault. He's always gone and Lillian would get made fun of because of him. You probably can't tell but he's really worried. She's his responsibility."

"I feel so bad for getting mad at you guys. You were just looking after Lil." I say and look down at my feet.

"It's fine Hayes you didn't know. I'm not quite sure how depression works but if Lilly is having a bad day, one little thing that she takes the wrong way could push her over the edge. Just keep that in mind."

"I'm gonna go beyond that. Matt has so much going on and now he has a sister to look after... it can't be easy. That's why I'm gonna help him keep an eye on her."

"Matthew will really appreciate that. Just knowing that all of us are here to support him and help him with Lillian is a huge weight off of his shoulders."

"Then let's do it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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