Chapter 47

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Lillian's P.O.V

The car ride to the mall was quite awkward. While Matthew and Maya chatted with each other, Hayes and I stayed silent. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said in the parking garage. Did he mean it? He spilled his heart out to me and just stood there and didn't say anything. I'm such an idiot.

"We're here." Matt says and snaps me out of my thoughts. "So Lillian and Maya, I'm sure you two will want to go off and do your own thing..." Matthew gets out his wallet. "Here is my credit card. Don't go crazy because I still have to pay rent."

"Oh my goodness Matt you know us you don't have to worry." Maya says.

"Yeah I do know you. That's why I'm worried." Matt jokes and Maya looks at me with a devious smirk. We all get out of the car and meet up with the rest of the guys.

"Okay so here's the plan," begins Matt, "Lillian and Maya are going to shop for clothes and such for Lillian and then the rest of us can just do our own thing. Does everyone have their cell phone ringers on in case they get lost?"

"You're such a dad." says Cameron and rolls his eyes.

"Well excuse me for wanting to have a safe time at the mall. Oh yeah and you ladies need to make sure that Lillian gets a dress for the ball that my management is having."

"A ball?" I asked.

"Yeah you know like a dance party thing? It's kind of like a prom but classier."

"I don't know if I want to go to that Matthew..."

"Don't worry about anything I promise you'll have a good time. Maya will help you with everything. Okay team let's go."

Maya grabs my arm and we start walking in the opposite direction that Matt is. "Now Lillian if not being able to land a date is something you're worried about I know plenty of guys that would love to accompany you to the ball."

"It's not that. I'm just really awkward and clumsy I don't belong at an event like that. Plus I was kind of hoping that maybe... I mean as far as a date goes... I mean, never mind I don't know what I'm saying."

"It's Hayes right? I knew you were interested in him." Maya pulls me to a nearby bench. "Lillian you are luckiest girl in the world right now."

"I am? Why?"

"Because you have a great wingman. Me."


I haven't updated this story in months... sorry :/ but at least it's up now and I'll be finishing this story don't you worry. Thanks for reading it means a lot :)

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