33 - I Do Not Miss Rationing

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When I came to I was in a new cell, slumped up against the wall. It had a door with a closed flap on one wall and a bright white light on the ceiling. Behind me, against the wall opposite to the door, was a bed with a thin mattress and blanket. I was in fresh clothes, but this time I wasn't chained up. My body was raw and painful, and my leg felt numb but I didn't want to look at it just yet. I picked up my hand and a small, weak flame flared up on top of my finger. The effects of whatever they'd given me must have worn off, but I was too weak to produce much more than that.

"Hey there, sunshine." I looked up. Bucky was opposite me.

"Hi." I mumbled. My body felt like it was on fire as I shifted into a more comfortable position. Finally I looked down. My leg had been patched up, with fresh stitches put in. Of course it had, they didn't want me to actually die. Just to feel pain.

Bucky groaned as he moved against the wall. He looked worse than he had the day before, they'd evidently given him a beating as well. I wondered if he'd said anything after Gunn had shot me. "So your name's not Hazel?" He asked warily.

"And you don't go by James?"


We stared at each other in silence, taking everything in. I didn't bother asking how he was alive and looking the same age as when I'd met him 80 years before, and he didn't ask me either. I supposed we had more important things on our minds.

"Do you believe me now?" I asked quietly. "That I'm not a spy."

He nodded.

We stayed like that for a while, both too exhausted and in pain to talk. I was reviewing the day before like an endless video-clip when there was a rap in the door.

The little flap opened. "Food."

I noticed a small cat flap like structure at the bottom of the door which was flung open and a bowl and cup were shoved inside before the two flaps closed.

"There are two people in here!" Bucky yelled at the door. "You only gave us one bowl!"

"Tough luck." Was the gruff reply from outside. Footsteps told me whoever it was had now left.

Bucky heaved himself up and I did the same. Which was stupid. Because I'd just been shot in the leg.

I collapsed and Bucky ran over to me, his only arm grabbing me under a shoulder before my knees hit the floor.

"We're gonna have to work together here." He groaned under my weight. Using my other foot and holding onto his shoulders with both my hands we managed to heave me up. "This way." We managed to get me onto the bed.

"Quite the pair." I muttered. "You've got one arm, I've got one leg."

"Hey," Bucky called over his shoulder as he went to pick up the food and water by the door, "you've still got the leg, don't say it's gone till it's gone. How about the finger?" I looked down at my hand, flexing out my fingers and inspecting my pinky.

"Barely a scratch." I reported.

"Well your face has cleared up a lot." He shook his head in envy.

I tentatively touched my face. "It doesn't feel like that."

He sat beside me and handed me the water. I took a couple of sips before handing it back.

"How long are we going to be here?"

He shrugged. "Think I have any idea?"

"We were trying to rescue you when I got caught. Well I kind of walked into it, but we thought you were in a construction site." I shook my head. How could I have been so stupid? Just walking in there like that. I should have listened to Steve, story of my motherfucking life. What, did I really think I'd just be able to sit down and have a nice cup of tea with the enemy? I missed Loki. It had only been two days but I wanted to see his stupid face and hear him say some idiotic insult under his breath.

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