112 - Epilogue and Author's Note

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If you're reading this, then you've made it to the end of Intertwine. I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. (Scroll to the bottom if you're truly desperate for that Epilogue)!

Thank you so much for your support in reading this, voting on it, adding it to your library, anything you've done makes a difference. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

I'm likely to come back and edit this story as  technically what you've been reading is a first draft. I've done some basic editing here and there but when I began it I didn't have a plan. I only vaguely put one together about halfway through and even then it wasn't much of a plan. Honestly I was as unsure what would happen in the next chapter as you were. But we've made it to the end, both of us.

The first chapter of the second book, Ensare, will be up by the time you read this. It'll be a little different, and I'll be changing perspective much more (think not only characters but also third person and first person) as I'm not writing these as official books - for me they're fun and that means I'm exploring my writing. Please excuse me if I accidentally slip into first or third person when I shouldn't, I'm as new to it as you will be.

It's also likely that I'll put in chapters from the points of view of canon characters - that's right. We'll be getting chapters from actual Marvel characters, rather than just my original characters. It's something I have purposefully stayed away from in this book as I was worried I wouldn't do them justice and write in a way that isn't true to their character. But, as I said, this is for me to explore so I'm going to challenge myself a bit. I also think it'll be important for the story to have those perspectives.

This was never supposed to end up as big as it did - as of right now this book has over 7,000 reads. That's crazy to me. Thank you all so much for sticking with me. I know this book is super confusing and convoluted, but I love it in its own strange way. I hope you do too.

I've written this book over the course of about 5 months, with the majority of January and December I spent ignoring it. In that time I have: had two jobs, applied to Cambridge, got into Cambridge, made some mistakes, made some good decisions, rekindled old friendships and cut off negative people, I've watched nearly every Marvel movie about four times, researched comic books, watched Spider-Man No Way home, and written this book. I hope you've experienced as much life as I have during this journey with the characters.

Honestly if you've made it this far, be proud of yourself. Most people drop off around chapter 40 or 50. You've made it to 112. That's amazing!

I also just want to note some things that may clear up some issues people have been having:

My spiderman is not specifically Tom Holland's MCU spiderman. They share A LOT of traits and in many ways I based it off him, but he was also based off the comics and Andrew Garfield's spiderman. This may mean some elements of the story and his character make more sense. Aunt May however was very much based off the MCU Aunt May with a little of Spiderman Into the Spider-verse for good measure.

Roara is mid-sized. She's built curvy, with a tummy and thighs and cellulite and stretch marks and rolls. That is her natural, normal state. It is not unhealthy. Please remember this. Whenever she's referred to as 'skinny' in this book it's a reference to her being underfed or under extreme stress as, for her, this is not her healthy state. For other people, like Aditi, it is normal and healthy for them to be naturally slim. Heroes don't need to be very slim or very muscly or super toned to be heroic and brave. Just look at Thor in Endgame!

Alina Stark's name, accidentally, sounds like the main character from Shadow and Bone and incidentally they share a similar power. Now I have not read Shadow and Bone but I have read Six of Crows and loved it. THIS WAS TOTALLY BY ACCIDENT! However I love the coincidence so I'm not changing it. Also go read Six of Crows. Just go do it. Immediately.

Yes Alina is queer. No I won't be changing it. Yes there will be more queer romances coming up.

I love you guys so much. Thank you. 💞


Gaea, goddess of the earth, sat back in her wicker chair with a sigh. In front of her was a swirling orb, with images rotating around inside of it.

"Foolish girl." She muttered and flicked her finger. The orb vanished, and along with it the image of Roara Woodson falling into a portal faded into nothingness.

Gaea closed her eyes wearily and waved at one of the Nymphs around her.

"Call for Odin. I wish to speak with him. Our adolescents seem to have made some very poor decisions indeed."

"My lady, Odin is not on good terms with his second son-"

"Did I say this was about his second son?"

"Yes mistress." The nymph turned and as she walked forwards her legs seemed to be sucked down into the grass, as though she was walking down a hidden set of stairs. Then her torso was covered by the soft moss, then her neck, and then she was gone.

Gaea was not someone to be refused, and not only did her servants know it, Odin knew it too.

She turned to look at the woman to her left, opening her eyes slowly like a cat.

"Darling, will you stop looking so glum?"

The girl had bright orange hair that was braided down the back of her hair, making it look like some sort of fin, the roots of brown showing for a few centimeters from her scalp.

She scowled and gave a small hiss.

"Oh darling, I know, but this is just temporary. You won't even remember it. Think of it like a vacation. You're not down on earth doing some dirty little assassin's work."

The girl scowled again. Someone else in her position might beg for release, but she didn't beg. It just wasn't in her personality.


"You let her die." The girl's voice was coarse, like a snake moving along a stone path. "You could have stopped it, allowed her to live, why didn't you?"

"All things run their course." And that was all Gaea had to say on the matter.

The girl knew it wasn't fair. None of it was fair. It wasn't fair that she was stuck here against her will either.

A crack of light appeared and through it stepped an older looking gentleman, his white hair and beard glistening in the sunlight, a metal patch covering one eye.

"Ah, Odin, please take a seat."

"I would prefer to stand." He replied. "I understand our children have been misbehaving."

"You always have had the most difficult offspring Odin."

Odin sighed. "Perhaps you should look to your own. Didn't one of yours have a tantrum a few years ago and cause an eruption?"

"Pompeii was centuries ago Odin, you must stop blaming me for that, it was dealt with at the time." Gaea nodded to the girl beside her. "I'm sure you've met my youngest."

"Not yet, but I've heard some. You do seem to have a taste for the old days." He smiled at the girl and leant forward to take her hand. "The pleasure is mine."

The girl shook his hand, a look of mild confusion and disgust on her face as she did so.

"Well," Gaea picked up her teacup, "I have been reminiscing a lot of late. Odin, I will be frank with you. We come from very different pathways. You were worshipped by the Norse, your people are powerful and orgnised. I was known by the Greeks, many of my kind have scattered and if I am honest they are not too fond of me. However I have felt something stirring beneath the surface for some years now, as I am sure so have you. There's a reason I have plucked my daughter out from Earth, she has a job I would like her to do. Our children are not supposed to interact to the extent they have been, if you catch my drift, and it needs to be resolved. That is why I have called you. I believe it may require your input."

Odin nodded gravely, centuries of being King had given him a seriousness only few could muster. "I believe I know what this is about. Let me pull up a chair."

Want to read more? The first chapter of Book 2 in the Intertwined series, Ensnare, is out now!

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