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It is a quiet ride back home. As the car comes to a stop in front of the gigantic Kim mansion and Taehyung holds the door open for him, Seokjin gets out, thinking hard.

He had thought his handsome husband would have been eager to marry him. But it seemed that he was just as opposed to the wedding as Seokjin was.

Well, he wasn't complaining. His plan had definitely become several notches easier.

As Taehyung led the way into the house, Seokjin couldn't help giving out a silent gasp. Their house had been big, but Kim Taehyung's house was something else totally.

Taehyung heard the gasp and turned around with a short smile. 'You like it?'

'Yes,' Seokjin mouthed wordlessly as his eyes strove to take in everything around him all at once.

Taehyung walks him through the house, not speaking much, but Seokjin doesn't really want to talk. All he wants to do is see, see until his eyes go blind with the luxury.

The living room is huge, the dining even huger, the hallways are decorated with paintings from the bygone era, antiques and fur carpets. Long flights of stairs lead to the upper levels and servants bustle about in silence, occasionally sending curious glances at Seokjin. He catches sight of a few maids leering at him and considers telling Taehyung, but turns his head away and purses his plump lips. He doubt his husband cares if Seokjin is stared at by other people.

Taehyung leads Seokjin up the stairs and into a narrow corridor with a series of bedrooms. He throws open the nearest door to the right and walks Seokjin into a beautiful room with all the comforts. A large bed with just the right height, soft silken covers, fluffy pillows and bolsters. Two huge sofas adorn the corners of the room. A giant Van Gogh painting, the one with the stars and moons, hangs above the bed. A giant bathtub sits in the posh and clean bathroom, along with a toilet which has an actual seat-warmer. A treadmill and a massager, almost twice the size of the one back home, are the additional furniture of the room. Seokjin only stares around in silence.

'This,' Taehyung announces, 'shall be your bedroom. Are you okay with it?'

'Yes,' Seokjin finds his voice with an effort. 'It's...great.'

'Okay. I'll leave you to change for dinner then. You'll find all the clothes you require in the almirah over there, and the butler shall be bringing your suitcase up in a bit.'

'Wait,' Seokjin puts a hand on his arm, and Taehyung turns his deep brown eyes to his face. 'Aren't we sharing...the bedroom?'

There is a short silence and then Taehyung answers slowly , 'No.'

Jin (Because I made the random decision to switch from third person to first person and I'm too lazy to edit)

And he walked away with long steps. I heard his feet receding down the corridor, the clapping of his polished shoes against the floor.

I looked back around the room. I shut the door, walked to the almirah and opened it. The clothes inside were unlike anything I had worn before, and I couldn't help letting out a sigh and thinking of how all these possessions would be mine for only a few days.

Because I was planning to be Mr Kim Taehyung's husband for only a few days.

And because I hated him.

Twenty minutes later I came downstairs wearing the outfit I had found best for the occasion. 

A black suit, stylish and comfy at the same time

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A black suit, stylish and comfy at the same time. I had parted my hair in a way I knew most men and women found alluring and sexy. Of course, every hairstyle was alluring and sexy when it was worn by me, but you get the idea.

Taehyung was seated at the dining table when I came. He looked up as I approached down he flight of stairs, raised an eyebrow and then went back to eating. I pulled up a chair at the table and sat down opposite him.

'Wouldn't it be considered rude,' I remark, 'to commence dinner without waiting for your husband, especially on the wedding day?'

He looks up. 'Maybe,' he says, his black eyes boring into mine. 'But not when you have been married against your will.'

I scoff aloud. 'Do you think you are the only one being forced into this? Do you think I willingly gave up my company to a guy like you because I'm a dutiful son to my parents? Do you think I am really planning on being a good husband to you?'

'I never thought any of these things,' Taehyung puts his spoon down and stares at me. 'And I do not stop you from doing what you want, but keep in mind; the same rules that apply to you apply to me.'

'What do you mean?

'I am in love with someone else.' Taehyung says quietly. 'I have been in love with her before we married and I am still very much in love with her, so you should know that I am not going to be held back from continuing our relationship just because of my marriage with you.'

I stare at him, lost for words. 'You're going to cheat on me?'

'Of course not,' he says with disgust. 'I am not one of those bastards who cheat on their partners, especially when married. But you should know that very very soon I shall not have to cheat on you or anyone else-I am going to make sure this marriage ends soon and so does my connection with you.'

'I-wow, you are just unbelievable.'

'I know I am.'

He bangs his spoon and fork down next to his plate and gets up, wiping his hands clean with a napkin. 'You can have dinner by yourself, I just lost my appetite.'


But he is already gone. I stare at the exquisitely cooked dishes of food laid down on the dining table and my stomach churns. I am hungry, but I am not in the mood to eat. 

So it turns out my husband is just as eager to get rid of me as I am to get rid of him. I should be happy, right?

Curiously enough, I'm not.

I want to take this fight further. I want to test his limits. I want to see what exactly the great Mr Kim Taehyung can do.

But I know who is going to be the winner in this twisted game we're going to play.


I told you, this was going to be crap.

Who do you find more complicated, Jin or Taehyung?

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