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I wake up to darkness.

I mean, technically, the world around me has been dark ever since I opened my eyes, but you get the idea.

I blink and bring my wrist up to look at my watch. 12.00, the glowing digits read.

How the fuck was I passed out for so long?

I spring upwards, throwing the covers off me and flailing my legs erratically. Suddenly my foot hits something soft and fluffy and warm, and there are two consecutive yelps: first the thing's, and then mine.

The soft warm thing moves away with a jerk and is revealed, as I squint into the dull light, to be Taehyung's curly black head.

'Shit, Taehyung!' I clap a hand over my mouth in horror. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-'

'S'okay,' Taehyung says, groggily, as he rubs his head. 'Are you feeling better now?'

'Huh?' I look down at myself. I realise I've been sleeping on a couch, not a bed, and I'm still in my office clothes.

'I'm sorry, you must have felt uncomfortable while you slept,' Taehyung says, apologetically. 'But I...uh...I didn't think you'd like it if I changed your clothes without your consent, so-'

'It's okay,' I say, feeling more than a little annoyed at what a perfect gentleman Taehyung is, or at least what he's acting like for now. 'So, did I really pass out?'

'Yes.' Taehyung's eyes darken a little. 'Seokjin, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, has Jeon Jungkook been-'

'Oh, no, no!' I immediately know what he's thinking. 'I assure you, that's not it at all. I was just tired.'

'You know...' Taehyung suddenly lowers his eyes, both looking and sounding rather embarrassed, 'you know you can talk to me if you ever, you know, want to, right?'

'Why?' I say, shortly. 'I mean, we're not even friends, so-'

'Yeah, but you can still talk to me.' Taehyung looks up, and I can see he's talking in earnest. 'I don't want you to think you're alone in this, when-'

'Yeah, right,' I interrupt him, rudely. He falls silent, and there is an awkward tension in the air before it clears as he gets to his feet and switches on the light.

'Would you like to go to your room now? You can always call me if you need anything.'

'No, thank you,' I climb off the couch, then feeling the hardness under my feet, look down, feeling rather guilty. The rock-hard floor is stone-cold, and the fact that Taehyung had been sleeping here with his head on the couch all the while until I woke up- it makes my heart clench with a hot and extremely unwelcome feeling.

'Um.' I clear my throat, and Taehyung looks enquiringly at me from where he stands by the light-switch. 'Thanks for, uh...taking care of me while I was passed out, Taehyung.'

'Oh, it was Jisoo and the doctor, mainly,' he replies, but I can see his cheeks redden and a slight smile of pleasure flit across his face. I choose to ignore it, nodding at him and then swiftly walking away to my room. Once I'm in, I immediately bolt the door shut and sink down against it, panting heavily.

But it's not from the fever.

You've been so dreadful to me, Kim Taehyung.

But why does my heart still beat for you?


'Babe, I-'

'For God's sake, stop calling me that!' Jungkook bangs his fist down on the wooden office table.

Bond Made in Hell || A TAEJIN STORY || Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now