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Y-y-y-you weren't supposed to cross a hundred votes that fast!! Remind me never to take risks like that in the future😑

Also, here's a warning ⚠️ though I really, really can't say what it's for😏

Aaaaand, for the love of Yeontan and Jin's Head and Shoulders, make sure to hear the song as you read this chapter😩

Author's P.O.V

'Mind telling me where we are right now?' Jin says.

He tried to put his hands behind his head to untie the blindfold, but Tae wouldn't let him.

'Hey, hey,' he caught Jin's small wrists in his and lowered them back to his sides. 'Don't do that. Not yet.'

'It's been an hour, and all you do is keep saying that,' Jin grumbles. 'You made me keep this on the whole time we were in your car and then all the way to wherever you've brought me-are you kinky, by any chance?'

Taehyung laughs. 'You said it, baby, not me.'

'What- you really are?' Jin's eyes widened behind the blindfold. 'That's a surprise- hey, don't call me baby! I'm not a baby.'

'Of course you're not,' Taehyung said, fondly, and brushed the stray hairs off Jin's forehead. 'You're not any baby. You're a big-sized, beautiful, adorable baby. The best baby in the whole wide world.'

Jin scoffs. 'Do you realize how cheesy you're being right now?'

'Do you realize what a baby you look like when you try to act angry?'

It'd been five days since Jin had been to Taehyung's office....and a lot had changed. Taehyung was different around him. He had been behaving differently for quite a while now, of course, but somehow, after the time that Jin opened up his heart to him, he had become sweeter, kinder, gentler. Of course, he always had been that way- but the way he treated Jin now, as though, he were something precious, something to be treasured and kept away from all harm- it both embarrassed him terribly and gave him the most awful butterflies in his tummy.

He didn't regret telling Taehyung all those things, not one bit. Finally opening up after a long, long while- letting a person into his life- it had felt liberating, so liberating. And Taehyung had taken it, accepted it in the best possible way. He did not mention it to Jin after they came out of the building, not even at home, not once during all these days. For once, he had not been his usual, teasing, prodding, flirtatious self. He had been tender. Caring. Considerate. He would not show any outward sympathy, but Jin could see it in some of his actions- how he came up to Jin's room every night to check if he was comfortably asleep, and slightly ruffle his hair and adjust the covers around him if he thought Jin was sleeping (he wasn't, really.) How he made sure to sit with Jin until the end of every meal, hand him whatever he wanted, even cook him his favourite dish once, even though he didn't do a very good job. When Jin fell asleep on the couch watching TV once he woke up the next morning snuggled up in his bed, and was half-convinced he had magic teleportation powers until he went to Taehyung's room and saw him sleeping with his clothes on, much too tired with the effort of carrying Jin up all those stairs to bother about undressing. When the lights in the house had gone out for a couple hours and Taehyung had personally run out to the electric shop to buy new bulbs because Jin was scared of the dark.

He did all this secretly, in his own subtle ways, but Jin had noticed somehow, and it warmed his cold heart, began to break in those tiny little barriers that had accumulated over the years and formed giant walls around his heart. The fact that a living, breathing person, a human being just like him- could be so devoted towards his care and well-being, bother to think about his needs and try his level best to provide for them- it was new to Jin, and it was a wonderful, wonderful feeling. Nothing in the world beats the feeling of knowing that someone is out there with their eyes constantly on you, thinking of you, making sure you're all right, making sure you feel happy and healthy and protected.

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