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Right on time for our darling Seokjinnie's birthday 🥳💜💜💜


I drop the telephone. It drops into its cradle and then slides right back off, and I don't even notice the deafening crash it makes as it lands on the floor. My hands are shaking, and there's a sheen of sweat pooling over my forehead. I suddenly feel hot all over.

What had I heard? Had I become so delirious that I was hearing things?

If I had heard correctly, Jungkook had been talking to a woman he had- I almost gagged at the thought of it- violated and taken advantage of, and was now blackmailing her to forget the incident.

This was bad. Very, very, bad.

I hear running footsteps enter the room and a pair of hands hook under my shoulders. 'Seokjin, you all right?' Taehyung asks, urgently.

I can barely hear him as I stare blankly into space. I cannot process what I heard...it seems too improbable. Jungkook- Jungkook would never-

He's always been a playboy, Jin.

Yeah, but you thought he changed after he met you...

That's bullshit. No one can change what they've been their whole lives. He was always a scumbag.

Think of how well he's treated you. How much you like him....

No, no, no, I shut my eyes tightly, pressing my lips together to prevent myself from screaming aloud. No, Jungkook wouldn't...he wouldn't...

Was I really business partners with a rapist?

'Seokjin?' Taehyung's voice is more urgent now, and I look up at him with a dazed expression, even as I continue to remain stuck in the messy circle of thoughts, the tireless inner voices chattering away inside my head.

'Seokjin, you don't look very well. Who were you talking to?' His tone is gentle, but I can hear the panic in his voice, the command, the desire to know....

'Taehyung.' I suddenly jerk myself upwards, grabbing onto his shoulder-blades tightly, not letting go even for a moment. He goes still in my grip, staring down at me, confused.

'What is it, Seokjin?'

'Taehyung, listen.' I have no idea why I'm doing this, but I know I have to do something. And this is all I can think of at the moment. 'Taehyung, Jungkook...he....'

Taehyung's face tightens as he asks, 'What happened? What did he do?'

'Taehyung...he...he's in trouble...'


'That's it. He's in trouble.'

Taehyung turns his face away, staring into the distance for a few seconds before he returns to me. 'And what do you want me to do about it?'

'N-nothing,' I get to my feet, already regretting having told him in the heat of the moment, having succumbed to the urge to tell somebody, let someone know. 'I'm going to help him myself.'

'Jin, no!' He grabs my arm, and I look at him with blazing eyes.

'Who are you to tell me what to do and what not to do? Let go!'

'Because it's not safe for you to go anywhere dangerous by yourself, Jin,' Taehyung tells me, still tightly gripping my arm. 'In fact, in your current state, it's not safe for you to go anywhere.'

'Taehyung- you don't understand.' I try to wriggle out of his grip, but his hold on me is rigid, almost vice-like. 'I have to go, Jungkook- he sounded-'

Bond Made in Hell || A TAEJIN STORY || Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now