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You don't know how glad I was when my week off from work ended.

I mean, I could have easily cut my leave short, but I was taking a very short break as it was. I didn't want my colleagues getting suspicious, thinking there was something wrong with the marriage.

On Monday, I got up early, showered, changed into my office clothes and left before Taehyung had even woken up. Or maybe he had. His door was closed. He'd told me never to leave the house without telling him, but I wasn't about to act like a good boy and run around following all his stupid orders. I was an independent, breathing, living person and I wasn't going to let some asshole put an end to the way I had been genetically programmed to be.

When I arrived at my office building at the end of Busan Street, the headquarters of Kim Bakeries, most of the employees were present and working, and they greeted me with bright smiles and excited questions about how my married life had been for the last week. You see, unlike my asshole husband, I treat my employees well (I mean, I don't exactly know how he treats his employees, but if he treats them the way he does me, I wonder why they still remain employees) and make sure they're each of them comfortable with their workspace and their employer, me. I make sure to be open and friendly with all of them, answering all their questions with complete modesty and right now, complete dishonesty.

I hate doing it, but I have to. I have a reputation of my own, mine and my parents', that I have to keep up, and as much as I hate my asshole husband, I can't afford to let his reputation get dragged down either. 

(Have you noticed Jin never uses the word 'husband' for Taehyung without adding 'asshole' to it? Lol😆)

My secretary, Hoseok, greets me with a cheery smile as I finally extricate myself from the crowd of employees and enter my office. 'Good to see you back, Sir!'

I smile at him. 'It's Jin for you, Hoseok. Has my continual absence made you forgetful of my instructions?'

He stiffens, then relaxes as he sees the twinkle in my eye. He laughs. 'Oh, right. Jin. You seem to have forgotten what I told you about calling me 'Hobi', either.'

'I dunno,' I grin mischievously as I take a seat at my desk, cluttered high with stacks and piles of papers and files I'll have to read through now. 'Hobi sounds a lot like 'hobby', I remember one time I told Soobin here that I wanted Hobi, and he went out and returned two hours later with a guitar and a set of table-tennis rackets.'

Hobi chuckles. 'You're in a good mood today. Looks like married life's suiting you just right, hmm?'

My expression sours immediately and I strive to hide it with a smile. Hobi notices the change and coughs. 'I'm sorry if I crossed the line there, I didn't mean to-'

'Oh, no, it's okay,' I say, with a controlled smile. 'Yes, it's all fine, Hoseok. You can leave now, I got this.'

Hoseok nods and leaves the office, and for the next couple of hours I am lost in a whirlwind of papers, files, briefcases, ledgers, journals, meetings and telephone calls. It is only at three in the afternoon when, after almost six hectic hours of continuous work and several cups of steaming hot chai, that I wipe my sweaty forehead clean and lean back into my revolving chair with a deep sigh. It's been a busy day, but I've enjoyed every bit of it. I love my work.

I haven't received a single phone call from Taehyung since morning, so he's probably not missing me, which is not a surprise. I didn't expect him to. He's probably chilling in his air-conditioned office high up in Korea's richest and most posh business tower, ordering secretaries about and shaking hands with the President or something. He doesn't know what it's like to slave away for hours in a small stuffy little office to make ends meet for your company. But then things have been working this way for him since like, childhood-everything he has has been inherited from his father. I mean, according to all the news reports I've read on Google anyway. 

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