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So after a loooooooooooong time I finally managed to update this story...

Also, the lack of comments in the previous chapters is making me feel lonely asf :(

Jin had had just returned home from a gruelling day paying off his parents' bills, and was busy changing into his casuals before going downstairs to have dinner.

Taehyung would return home late, he knew, and while he would have secretly liked to wait until his husband came home so they could have dinner together (for no apparent reason) Taehyung had specifically sent him a text telling him he was going to be working overtime and that he shouldn't wait up for him. Jin sent back a haughty text, saying 'What makes you think I'd wait for you, Mr Arrogant?' with a bunch of angry emojis. Looking back on it, he sighed. He didn't think he'd worded that text very well: it didn't seem to have conveyed his emotions clearly enough. Bet Taehyung thought he was just acting really silly and childish.

It was strange: the effect Taehyung had on him these days. Whenever he appeared, Jin would begin acting busy or start talking on the phone to some non-existent colleague of his as the office- 'Mr R.J,' he called him, and he had almost grown attached to his imaginary friend after the number of times he'd fake-dialled and begun long, surprisingly intense conversations with him in front of Taehyung. He had no idea why he acted that way: he suspected sometimes if he really was falling for Taehyung, but how the fuck was that even possible? More than that, he didn't want it to be possible. It was most excruciatingly annoying.

There was always this sort of strange, undeniable tension between them: one that could either explode or die down, and it was definitely showing no signs of dying down. Instead, it seemed to have become almost obvious. It made Jin feel drawn to Taehyung even though there was no reason for him to do so: none at all, and yet, somehow...his mere presence was breath-catching, hypnotic. It made Jin want to avert his eyes and appear purely detached, disinterested, and at the same time it made him want to look at him, hard, over and over again until he memorized his walk, his looks, his every feature.

Anyway, today had been a rather busy day and he was looking forward to having a nice quiet evening all by himself. Maybe he'd pour himself some wine after dinner, watch some TV. He didn't really watch much TV when Taehyung was around. He said it was because he wasn't that fond of TV, but truth be told, he was actually a bit too scared Taehyung might suggest they watch another horror movie together if he switched the damn machine on in his presence. After his embarassing post-horror-movie conduct not too many nights before, he didn't really want to humiliate himself again.

Taehyung carrying him up all those stairs had felt so good, though.

His arms....they'd been so muscular. And strong. And warm. And safe.

And his face, as he'd helped Jin onto the bed and tucked him under the sheets....he'd seemed so tender. Caring. Loving.


Come to think of it, Taehyung had always been so very gentle with him. Even if he, Jin, acted in the most asinine and ridiculous of ways.

It was so absurd it was almost hilarious.

Whatever. Now was not the time to think about Taehyung or his extraordinary gentleness or his unusual behaviour or his Adonis-like looks or his sculpted physique or his dark, captivating brown eyes set in his equally gorgeous face.

There was suddenly a sharp knock upon the door, jolting me out of my unexpected train of thoughts. 'Coming!' I shouted and hurried to open it after getting over my initial startlement.

Bond Made in Hell || A TAEJIN STORY || Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now