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I'm sorry for the delay :( anyone still reading?


I lean against the smooth, polished glass behind me. I feel tired. Everything has been so tiring lately.

And yet, I never really felt it tire me until now. I have been moving, functioning like an automaton, a human, emotionless, senseless automaton. It is as though I have, like a vampire, turned off my humanity, and I wonder if I shall ever get it back. After the accident.

I close my eyes. I see the flicker of a memory behind my shut eyelids- Tae's sweet, handsome face as he leaned towards mine, his lips forming a kiss. Our mouths touching, twisting, becoming one, hands feverishly seeking the other's, tongues dancing, sweat mingling, breaths connecting as we feel each other as we have never felt each other before- raw passionate desire coupled with an immense longing, a yearning to belong. And then the scream of brakes, the flash of blinding light-

I sigh deeply, and open my eyes. I'm not going down that road again- it would take me forever to extricate myself if I did. And now I must save myself for more important matters. I am nearly at the end of my journey.

The Clock Tower is huge, and I currently stand on the very top floor- nearly twenty-three floors above the first. The walls are made of transparent glass and I can see the glowing city lights through them. The night sky is shining, dotted with little twinkling stars. It is a sedate, peaceful night- almost romantic. But I doubt it shall remain peaceful any longer.

I hear footsteps, coming towards the door in the far corner. I tense. It is coming. He is coming.

The man who ruined Tae's life. My Tae's.

My hands form into fists, but they do not move. Instead, I step backwards, melting quietly into the shadows where nobody who enters can see. The room is pitch dark, the illumination from the stars doing little to brighten it.

The door is flung open, and two figures stumble backwards into the room. I know them instantly- the shorter one is Jimin, the taller, heavier-set one Namjoon. Their mouths move frantically against each other as they paw at each other's clothes, struggling to get them off in a state of inebriation. I smile softly. It is working.

Namjoon grunts and lifts Jimin clean off his feet, throwing him in a smooth arc so he lands on the bed, letting out a scream of surprise. He kicks his shoes off and climbs atop him, his glasses flying askew as he pins the shorter man's hands above his head and peppers his neck with hard kisses. Jimin moans softly, then louder as Namjoon's hands travel past his chest, unbuttoning his shirt, towards his pants. I avert my eyes.

I know this is painful, Jimin, but wait. Please wait. Only a little while longer.

Almost as though he hears me, Jimin seems to up his performance, moaning loudly and effusively as Namjoon goes down on him. His eyes roll back in his head, and I can see from the look on his face that he is both confused and terrified- terrified of the man he has baited into having sex with him, and confused at the enjoyment it brings him. I do not blame him. I know he is going through torture- and I must stop them...but not right now. Now is not the right time.

Namjoon leans back and strips half-naked, and is about to recommence his attacks when Jimin puts up an arm to stop him. 'Wait.'

'What is it?' Namjoon is clearly drunk. Jimin has done a good job in thoroughly inebriating him- but I know from his steady voice that he is not himself as badly lost to alcohol. 'I want to touch you, Jimin-ssi.' His voice is high-pitched, whiny, pleading. I bite back a noise of disgust, and apologize internally to Jimin for the thousandth time for convincing him into letting this filthy man get his hands on him.

I'm sorry my little Nemjoonie T-T

'Namjoon-ssi...' Jimin whispers, his voice laced in haze brought by alcohol, just the right amount of soft and seductive, 'you know I do not sleep with just anyone, don't you?'

I stiffen. 

'Who said you're sleeping with just anyone?' Namjoon groans loudly and tries to paw at him once more. Jimin holds him back with a strong hand. 

'I'm not sure...I don't really know you all that well, you see. You see, I have this little habit of sleeping with only rich and powerful men, and you are anything but that.'

Namjoon draws back, and his face is contorted, mouth open in surprise and eyes glinting in derision. 'I am anything but that? Jimin-ssi...do you have any idea who you are talking to?'

'No, I do not,' Jimin whispers. He traces a thin white hand up the taller man's broad chest, eliciting a shiver. 'All you are is one of Jeon Jungkook's pet puppies- just like every other one of us. Intelligent you surely are, but do you ever put your intelligence to good use? I highly doubt you. You shall soon wither away, your talents gone wasted, used to full benefit by Mr Jeon and then discarded-'

'Silence,' Namjoon growls, and his voice is low and threatening. Jimin only laughs, and carries on. 'Why should I be silent? It is the truth and you know it. You shall forever be confined to that little cubicle of yours, mixing medicines and-'

'ENOUGH!' Namjoon slaps a hand across Jimin's mouth, silencing him. There is a fierce, burning look in his eyes. 'Shut the fuck up, Jimin. You have no idea who I am, you hear me? Absolutely no idea.'

'I would not think there was anything to have an idea about-' SLAP! Namjoon's long fingers leave a large red handprint on Jimin's pale cheek: I fight the instinct to spring from my hiding place. I'm sorry, Jimin. You need to keep up the act. For just a little while longer.

'You think so little of me, do you?' Namjoon leans down to talk in Jimin's ear, his voice menacingly clear. 'Well, let me tell you this, my ignorant little puppy. I have achieved far more of my personal goals in this lifetime than that bastard Jungkook ever could- far, far more. I have executed a plan that I have been drafting carefully for the past five years- I have played my part in it, painstakingly, with excruciating patience, shown intelligence few can surpass- and piece by piece, bit by bit, it has all fit into place, and soon a time shall come when I shall rule the mafia societies of South Korea- round up all these petty little gangsters and make them my slaves. I shall head them all- I am already swiftly climbing to the top of the most influential one. They have forever mocked my integrity, my loyalty to their cause- I have shown them the power I possess, by single-handedly toppling one of the biggest business enterprises in the country, their boss included. I have orchestrated accidents without leaving the slightest shred of evidence behind- I have convinced the cops into not having an iota of suspicion about me. I have masked, masqueraded, manipulated- all this I have done, and I have done it all by myself. So, before you run that smart, pretty little mouth about me again- think, and think hard.'

He digs his hands into Jimin's naked back, making him scream in pain, licking a long stripe beside his ear. I have heard all I needed to hear. My hand leaps to my pocket, drawing out the knife it holds- but I do not need to. The next few things happen suddenly- Namjoon is yanked powerfully away from Jimin, by a near-invisible force it seems- and thrown to the cold floor, grunting with pain and surprise. Strong hands lift Jimin from the bed, arm around his trembling figure, throwing a rug around him. The shadows in the room shift places, and I see him- his smoothly lined face, white with anger in the moonlight.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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