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I really flexed my writing skills with this chapter lol😂



Something suddenly snapped in me, and I leapt forward and had him by the scruff of his neck before he even knew what was going on.

'What the fuck are you doing here, huh?' I whispered into his ear, and I could feel the rage building up in my voice as I pulled and pummelled him over with me to a tree trunk in the parking lot, pushing him against it and standing over him, ignoring the shocked looks and voices of the bystanders. 'What the fuck did you do to Tae, you measly little piece of shit?'

'Mr Kim Seokjin- Jin!' Ken brought up a hand and feebly tapped at my wrist, trying to pry away my hands that were now desperately trying to choke him. 'Mr Kim- I- I have no idea what you're talking about- p-lease let me go!'

'And why,' I hissed, bringing my mouth close to his ear once more, so consumed with sudden, blinding anger that I could almost see the flecks of spit flying out my mouth as I spoke, 'must I believe you? What, I ask you, have you done to regain my trust after all those years, you bastard?'

Ken gasps and splutters, his hands beginning to flail and grab at my wrists more desperately now. 'Mr Kim- I don't- I don't know you! And- I- I was not responsible for what happened to you or your husband, I assure you- please!'

As the dancing black spots over my vision clear and some sense returns to my foggy brain I look at him long and hard: there is a look of genuine confusion and fear on his face as he struggles wildly, trying to free himself. Reason returns to me as quickly as it had left. Ken doesn't recognize me at all- doesn't recognize me as the boy he wronged so many years ago. Astonishing as it is, and as much of a filthy, two-faced liar as he might be, I cannot take any chances, or betray my identity to him: let him remain in the dark as long as possible. Maybe he has already found out through my foolish utterances spoken in the heat of anger (anger caused by maybe the fact that I found him in a place where I would expect only someone deeply interested in the incident to be found, possibly someone shady, and or maybe because of my long, painful history with him, and also maybe because my head had been splitting with all the hot, fuming, searing rage that had long remained unchannelled inside of me with nowhere to go.)

Anyway, I had to get over myself. I could not afford to let him know any more than he already knew; besides, looking at it logically, why would Ken have any reason to be involved in the incident? He did not recognize me, and Tae was his boss, after all: who would do such a thing to their boss, and why?

I loosened my grip on his collar but did not fully let go of him, my eyes burning into his, his scared brown ones staring back at mine, continuously darting hither and thither and set in a face contorted with fear. I could see his lips trembling; he seemed really, truly, scared out of his mind. Besides, as much of a loathful creature as he was, I could not imagine Ken as a hardened criminal. The little shit was much too cowardly to pull off that kind of a huge stunt: also, he had no brains as far as I had known him, and it was unlikely that had changed very much in the past few years.

'Okay....' I took several long breaths to calm myself down, then spoke to Ken, my voice strange and unusually deep as I tried to mask the emotions that kept bubbling to the surface of my words.

'What...' I repeated, this time in a much calmer tone, 'are you doing here, Ken?'

'Mr Kim....' he still looked in no position to speak, shaking from the shock of being so brutally manhandled without apparent rhyme or reason. I sighed; I did not believe I was going to do this, but I had to, if I had to get anything out of him.

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