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Oo look what's this? Seems like an update🧐


I stare at Jimin, blank and uncomprehending. 'What?'

Jimin's lower lip trembles as he looks at me, opens his mouth to say something and then immediately shuts it once more. His face assumes a desperate expression as he shakes his head repeatedly.

'No-no, Jin. No, I didn't mean that. I didn't mean what I said-I-just forget I said that.'

And he turns on his heel and begins walking away from me, just like that.

'Hey, Jimin!' I shout after him, but he breaks into a run, his shoulders shaking visibly as I watch him disappear past the gate and into the office building.

I walk the few steps back to the bench on the side of the road, sinking down onto it and taking slow, long, deep breaths, trying to collect my thoughts.

Jimin's words have left my head reeling. The accident- the accident- that left me unconscious for a whole week and Tae- my Tae- in a coma- it wasn't even an accident? It was planned?

Who would do that? Who in the whole world could be so cruel? Who could just plan the murder of two innocent people? We had not been killed, fortunately, yes, but we could so easily have been. How could it not have been an accident?

That was what the police had said. I had seen the footage from the video cameras myself. A black jeep came cruising down the road impossibly fast (the driver either too drunk or blind) and ran straight into our vehicle, triggering an explosion and nearly overturning us completely, then raced right off without stopping for even a moment, the man clearly scared stiff and out of his mind, before any of the surveillance cameras could catch the number or the face of the driver.

Come to think of it, it had seemed uncanny, the way the car had dashed into ours and escaped without a single scratch to it, while ours was criminally damaged, the sudden explosion throwing me and Tae out of my seats and completely wrecking the car, including the windows. I had been too distraught at that time to think straight, to think rationally, but now that I did....things suddenly seemed to be making more, clearer sense.

Someone had planned the accident. Someone had been the mastermind behind it all- and Jimin knew who it was. And he wouldn't tell me.

Why wouldn't he?

And who would do that?

Who would do that to Tae- my Tae- and think he could get away with it?

I awoke from my reverie with a start when my phone rang all of a sudden, vibrating in my pocket. I shook my head free of my confusing thoughts and emotions, bringing the phone out of my pocket and receiving the call.

'Hello?' My voice came out unusually shaky.

'Mr Kim Seokjin?' A low voice said at the other end. 'This is Haruto Watanabe, junior detective, speaking from the Seoul Police Station. I would like to have a word with you, privately, regarding the accident that took place in your neighbourhood and injured you and your husband a few weeks ago.'

'I s-see. I'll be right there.'

'Thank you, Mr Kim Seokjin, Sir.'

I pocket the phone and with a loud, trembling voice, hail a cab driver. Once I'm in I collapse into my seat, resting my head against the glass of the window and staring with vacant eyes into the space in front of me. My head is too blank to process anything, to feel anything. All I feel right now is....nothing. My mind is completely and surprisingly empty.

Bond Made in Hell || A TAEJIN STORY || Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now