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It's been two weeks since I made the offer of joining companies to Jin, and after a long wait, he's finally going to arrive today at my headquarters for his first day of work as a co-director. There were documents to be signed, paperwork to be done. Most importantly, I had to convince Jin that my offer had been made purely for ethical and professional reasons, and that I had no ulterior motives behind doing so. It took a long time, naturally. Since I approached him last year at the after-party at the Seoul annual business conference with my proposal and he turned me down, he has been wary of me. And I can't say I blame him.

I am true to myself when I say this; atleast I believe that I am. I do not intend to force or coerce Jin into any sort of relationship with me-I am confident he will fall head over heels for me by himself, even if not from day one. It might take weeks, even months; but he will. I do not forget he is a married man. I know Taehyung and he are far from a loving and self-satisfied couple; but I know Jin, he is a man with a certain fixed set of principles that he strictly adheres to. I know his loyalties will always lie with his husband until he makes up his own mind to break away; I only intend to aid the process. But I will do so in the fairest way possible. I have always been Kim Taehyung's fair competition, even in business: I do not cheat in my profession, and that was something Jin has been seeking to confirm for the past two weeks. At length, he was satisfied, and the required signatures for the collaboration were obtained from both sides. I know I must seek to assure Jin that I do not intend to snatch him away from his husband; I know I will, but by hook and not crook.

Jimin has been behaving strangely for the past few days; he dodges me all the time, avoids talking about Jin, and has been a general sneaky brat for well over a week now. I don't see what his game is; I would have thought his affection and respect for me would have increased considerably, considering how I am helping his best friend since childhood. I wonder if he and Jin had a falling-out of some sort, and consider investigating the topic further, but after a while I abandon the idea. There is no need and no benefit from me prying in the personal lives of my employees. That is another different between the CEO of Kim Enterprises and me-unlike him, I treat my employees well and give them the privacy they deserve.

I currently sit in my air-conditioned office looking at the TV screen in front of me with a cocked eyebrow and a scrutinising eye. Headlines flash rapidly across the screen and I sigh; the same news had been coming over and over again for days and days now.

Kim Bakeries owner Kim Seokjin to join hands with Jeon Corp CEO Jeon Jungkook: A Powerhouse in the Making?

Kim-Jeon collab: Are the two rival families finally making progress in their relations?

Kim Seokjin agreed to the collaboration out of spite: husband Kim Taehyung of Kim Enterprises refuses to comment on allegations

What made Jeon Jungkook extend a hand to the newly married husband of his long-term business rival? TXT TV anchor Choi Soobin talks to Economic Front editor Bang PD Nim

I smirk a little at the last one: I know Choi Soobin personally, and also the fact that he is a close friend of mine and an ardent admirer of Kim Seokjin. I also know for a fact that he is going to pull apart the Economic Front Editor's accusatory opinions until they are nothing but shreds; I had Jimin call him last week to make sure of that.

A large number of people seem to think I intend to exploit Kim Enterprises in some way through Kim Seokjin. Silly, foolish, good-for-nothing dimwits. Kim Seokjin has a brain of his own and they should know he would never be such a numb-skull as they are to allow me to take advantage of him in any way. He is an intelligent, cautious person, at the same time honest, committed to his work and sincere to his ideology; honestly, he is everything I have looked for in a business partner.

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