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No one's P.O.V

'So, Jin,' Ken asks earnestly, 'what's the plan?'

'Don't you have to go to work today?' Jin looks at him, frowning.

Ken stares. 'What, go to work like this? Our company is in a shambles right now. Kim Enterprises is going to have a hard time recovering until Kim Taehyung is back on his feet- if he ever is, that is.'

Jin looks at him. Ken hurriedly apologizes. 'I'm sorry. That was insensitive.'

'Don't mention it,' Jin says, coldly.

'So, what's the plan?' Ken tries again. 'Today evening, after the Annual Investor's Ball-'

'-at the Clock Tower,' Jin finishes his sentence. 'We lure Namjoon there- he's bound to be present, and if he isn't, I'll make sure of that- and get him to confess.'

'And what makes you think he'll confess?'

'Because I have proof.'

'You think someone like him will back down like a cornered rat the second you throw proof at him?'

'That is,' Jin smiles, 'exactly what I think.'

'How are you planning to do it, exactly?' Ken frowns. 'I see too many holes in your plan. First off, how are you even so sure it's Kim Namjoon who was behind everything?'

'Because,' Jin says, quietly, 'I AM sure. I know I'm right. My gut tells me I'm right.'

Ken looks at him. 'You're one hell of a determined individual, Jin, you know that? I doubt even the police have gotten as far as you have. Hell, they're probably miles behind you. The fact that you are willing to go to any extent to find out who did this to your husband-'

'I don't just aim to find, Ken-ssi,' Jin says, calmly. 'I also aim to punish. And tonight, I am going to do just that. I am going to weasel out the man who did all this to my husband, and I am going to punish him.'

'You do realize the proper thing to do would be to turn him in to the cops, right?' Ken says, nervously. 'I hope you aren't planning to do something drastic- both your husband's and your reputations are at stake here.'

'Of course I'm not planning to do anything drastic,' Jin laughs, lightly, but there is an undertone to his words that makes Ken recoil. For a second, as he looks at Jin, he is reminded of someone- but then Jin speaks again, and the memories fade, the image clears, and he is left confused.

'So. You know what you have to do?'

Ken nods his head. 'Crystal clear. We all show up at the Annual Ball- not betraying the slightest bit of our intentions, of course- and, towards the end, you go towards the Clock Tower, and wait there, while I bring Namjoon along in a few minutes on some pretext.'

'Have you decided what excuse you're going to make?' Jin cocks an eyebrow at him.

'Of course I have,' Ken says, indignantly. 'I'm not stupid. Or unprepared. I'm not going to fuck this up, Jin. I'm not a fool.'

Jin smiles tightly. 'Of course you're not.'

Ken frowns. 'Mr Kim. Don't you trust me?'

Jin stares at him for a long while. Then he breathes in and exhales slowly.

'Ken....', he sighs, 'if tonight really does go as planned, I will trust you. But it's all up to you. Do you wish to break- or retain- my trust? It's all up to you.'

He walks up to Ken and puts a heavy hand on his shoulder.

'I want to trust you, Ken. You have given me reasons to trust you these past few weeks, but I don't know if I can fully trust you yet. What happens tonight- that is what shall cement our trust. You promised me you would support me, you would back me up in this till the very end. And I sincerely hope you shall not break your promise.'

He turns around and walks off, leaving Ken behind him, looking mystified.

Next chapter coming right up! I'm inspired today hehe

Bond Made in Hell || A TAEJIN STORY || Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now