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Hellooooo, I'm (briefly) back from exile. I don't know where my inspiration's been these days, I just wrote this to convince myself it's not entirely gone :((


'Mr Jeon?'

Jungkook looked up from his desk, a dull look in his usually bright brown eyes. 'Come in.'

I stepped inside the room, bowing slightly and placing the files I was carrying on the desk. Jin hadn't arrived yet, which, as much I'm ashamed to admit it, made me more than a little glad.

'More work?' Jungkook stretched out his arms, groaning tiredly as he leaned back in his chair. 'Gosh, the load on me grows day by day.'

'I'm sure Seokjin is helping you to the best of his abilities, Sir,' I say, carefully.

'He is, but I can't expect him to do everything.' Jungkook seems to chasten considerably at the mention of Seokjin's name. 'He's got a company of his own to handle, plus, he's married. He has duties to fulfill aside from his business life.'

I look curiously at him. 'You all right, Sir?'

'Of course I am,' Jungkook cocks an eyebrow. 'Why wouldn't I be?'

'Because...well....' I hesitate, then decide against broaching the topic uppermost in my mind. Jungkook seems to catch my hesitation and lets out a short laugh. 'I know what you're thinking.'

'You...you do, Sir?' I ask, nervously. I frankly have never seen this side of him before.

'You're thinking about Seokjin.' Jungkook announces, rocking his chair forward and looking straight at me. 'You're wondering what happened between us.'

I don't know how to reply to that, because he's hit the nail right on the spot. I move my feet and stutter a little, and he chuckles dryly as he leans back once more.

'I don't know. He's a hard man to please, is Seokjin.'

'Yes, Sir,' I say, not knowing what else to say.

'You agree?' Jungkook quirks his eyebrow, and I notice a new piercing he didn't have on him before. My heart automatically beats a little faster, but I cough and mask my emotions with a perfectly blank expression. 

'Well, Sir...he's always been a little choosy since childhood, as far as I've known him.'

'Choosy?' Jungkook smirks as he brings his fingertips together, still gazing up at me. 'Are you implying that he chose his husband, Kim Taehyung, over me?'

'Sir, surely you don't still-'

'I don't believe it,' Jungkook shakes his head with finality, the smirk remaining on his face. 'There's no way he did. He hates his husband, and he's none the worse off for that. It suits me perfectly, anyway. Wonder how many more weeks it's going to take before he realized that the man for him has been waiting for him for such a long while and he was too dumb to notice.'

'Seokjin is not dumb, Sir,' I say, loudly, flushing a little.

'Of course he's not,' Jungkook murmurs, under his breath. 'He's extremely intelligent. He's handsome and cute and fluent and talented and beautiful. He's a beautiful human being, inside and out. I haven't fallen for him for nothing.'

My heart plummets and I can feel the tears unconsciously well up in my eyes as I hear him talk, but I hold them back with an effort as I say, 'You really sure you've fallen for him, Sir? Sure this isn't one of your brief infatuations-'

'This is not an infatuation, Jimin,' Jungkook interrupts, sounding irritated. 'I know what an infatuation is, and what I feel for Seokjin is anything but that. What I have for Seokjin, Jimin, is love.'

Bond Made in Hell || A TAEJIN STORY || Arranged MarriageDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora