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You know who's FEEDING you? Me.😒

Just kidding, I love you!!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


The brightly lit evening streets of Seoul race past me as I sit alone in the fleeting cab, watching my surroundings with a dull eye.

My phone rings in my pocket. I ignore it. I have had enough trouble with it already.

I don't know how much Jin heard, or what he heard, but what I do know that he's definitely not going to be very happy about it.

Even if I do try and explain things to him, try to tell him it was all a misunderstanding....would he even believe me? Better still, would he even try to believe me?

My phone rings louder, and the cab driver turns to look at me with an annoyed eye. I glare silently back at him. Our staring match continues until we suddenly face a truck coming full-speed from the opposite side of the road and have to swerve dangerously to avoid crashing headlong into it.

'Watch where you're going, will you!' I say, irritably, as I pick myself up from the floor of the car, dusting the dust off my suit.

'You better pick that phone or mute it, Sir, before you cause an accident,' the car driver replies back, tartly, and turns his eyes back to the wheel.

Seriously, what is the world coming to these days? As far as I knew it, it was the cab drivers who were supposed to follow phone rules while on the road, not passengers.

I sigh and take my cellphone out, and my heart skips a beat as I see the name of the caller.

I take a deep breath as I receive the call, waiting a few moments before saying in a low voice, 'Jin?'

'Mr Jeon. How are you?'

'I'm fine, Jin. I'm sorry for cutting you off like that earlier-'

'About that, Mr Jeon.' Jin's voice suddenly sounds rather tense. 'What was going on? I heard....'

'It was nothing, Seokjin.' I say, hurriedly. 'That was just a squabble you heard, nothing more.'

'You sure, Mr Jeon?' Jin asks, carefully. 'From what I heard, it didn't sound exactly like a harmless squabble to me. I'm sorry if I'm being nosey, or-'

'No, it's okay,' I reply, biting my lip. 'The thing is...I...I was inside a bar, and there were all these drunk people coming up to me and shouting random things. And the woman you heard speaking to me...she was drunk as well. You need not worry about me or her...she's just a stranger.'

Great, so you were drunk in a bar smack in the middle of a work day, with strangers coming on to you. Way to impress your crush, Jeon Jungkook. You'll go very far in life, achieve great things.. but you'll still and always remain a prize idiot.

There's a pause at the end of the line. Then Jin speaks. 'Oh, no, Mr Jeon. Why would I worry about you and her? You're free to do what you like in your free time. The thing is...I wasn't able to come to work today due to a slight chill I'd caught, but I've recovered by now. I'll come by tomorrow.'

'You sure you're okay?' I say, a little hesitantly. I don't want him to feel like I'm overtly concerned or making a pass at him, not when he's probably formed a bad impression of me already. Besides, he does have a husband to look after him back at home, even if he is an asshole.

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