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I am on a roll! Dedicated to vjinmental


I see Taehyung and stop dead in my tracks. Jungkook continues to walk and then turns around in surprise as he realizes I'm still standing. 'What are you looking at, Jin-oh.'

He returns to my side, placing a hand on my shoulder almost protectively as Taehyung advances towards us, his cold piercing gaze fixed on me. I only stare defiantly back. I hate to admit it, but I'm feeling a lot braver right now with Jungkook by my side to back me up against my asshole of an husband.

Taehyung strides across and comes to a stop in front of us, the click of his boots the only audible sound in the hushed lobby. He looks at me for a second, and then turns his gaze on Jungkook, who looks coolly back. 'I'd like to have a word with you, Jeon.'

Did Taehyung just ignore me?

Did my legally married husband just ignore me? In front of dozens-no, hundreds of people?

I feel like sinking into the floor and staying buried forever. The looks the employees clustered around at a distance  are throwing me are an odd mixture of astonishment and sympathy. And I hate it.

'Of course,' Jungkook replies smoothly, his eyes levelled at Taehyung's. 'Please accompany me to my office, we can talk in peace there.'


Taehyung continues looking steadily at Jungkook, completely ignoring me in a way that is horribly embarrassing and painfully noticeable.

'Okay, fun's over. Get back to work, everybody.' Jungkook looks around at the silent employees and claps his hands, smiling in his good-natured way. There are some scattered rather nervous-sounding chuckles and within a minute the lobby is just as noisy and bustling as usual, everyone going about their work without paying us any more attention.

'Follow me.' Jungkook gestures to Taehyung, and he nods to me to follow as well. I fall in line behind him, taking care to stay as away from Taehyung as I possibly can. He seems just as keen to keep the distance as I am, or maybe he doesn't even care that I'm there. He's doing a very good job at making me feel small and unnoticed-I must say, his ignoring skills are unmatched.

Why the hell is he here in the first place? I thought we had settled things between us. He had been very cold and aloof about it all, but he had signed the renunciation contract readily enough. He never was interested in acquiring my business anyway.

I only hope he doesn't make a scene and mess up my first proper day at work with my new partner. And by the set, determined look in his face and in his dark brooding brown eyes, it seems like that's exactly what he intends to do.

Jungkook leads us into the elevator and we ride up in complete silence. I am sandwiched between Jungkook and Taehyung, and let's just say the position is not a very comfortable one. Jungkook seems to realize I'm uneasy, because occasionally he throws me a comforting glance and glares subtly at Taehyung. I know I'm not supposed to smile, as Taehyung's husband, but I can't help feeling good that Jungkook feels the same about my asshole husband as I do.

At the same time, I don't want my emotions to overcome me and make me do something I regret. I still intend to be a loyal and devoted husband to Kim Taehyung, atleast on the surface, whatever he might try to pull on me. If there's anyone who's going to crack at the end of it all, it's going to be him and not me.

I'm going to make very sure of that.

I know I'm not supposed to let my guard down with Jungkook too much, either. After all, he did try to kiss me when I was drunk in a bar. No doubt he was drunk as well and I was practically coming on to him, and all he's been doing for the past few weeks is assure me that his intentions are pure and free of any sort of desire for personal gains; but it never hurts to be too careful.

The elevator doors open and we walk out into the hallway of the top floor where Jungkook's office is. Taehyung glances around briefly, taking in his surroundings with a bored eye. He's probably used to much more grandeur and luxury at his workplace. 

We follow Jungkook down the corridor into his office; Jungkook motions to Taehyung to take a seat, and I make to sit down as well when Taehyung says, all of a sudden: 'I don't want my husband- Seokjin -to be present while we talk.'

Jungkook's eyebrows raise higher on his forehead; as for me, I only stand where I am, staring at Taehyung with my jaw a little open.

'What?' Jungkook repeats, looking steely at Taehyung.

'I said,' Taehyung replies, calmly, folding his arms in front of him, 'I do not want Mr Kim to be present here while we talk; I want this conversation to be strictly private between the two of us.'

Jungkook's eyebrows go even higher; I'm afraid if he raises them even a tiny bit more they might go too far and disappear into his curly hair. 'And may I ask why don't you want him to be present?'

'I think I said it only half a minute ago: I would like this conversation to be private.'

'Mr Kim,' Jungkook says, gently, as though he's remonstrating to a child, 'you must understand that me and your husband Jin are now equal partners, and that every business conversation we have must be shared with him as well. Surely you know the rules and regulations that come along with a business collab-'

'Yes, I know them,' Taehyung interrupts, his jaw clenched and his lips pressed into a thin straight line, the way they always do when he's angry. 'I just want to have a private conversation with you, Jeon, and it's not related to business. Is that so hard to arrange?'

I feel my heart thump beneath my chest. Not related to business? What could Taehyung possibly have to talk to Jungkook about?

Jungkook opens his mouth to argue once more, but I clear my throat, making him pause. 'It's all right, Jungkook. I'll be outside. Please don't hesitate to call if you need me.'

'Jungkook?' Taehyung's eyes narrow at me. 'He's Jungkook to you now?'

'Mr Kim, I must ask you not to talk to my business partner that way,' Jungkook says, an unusually angry glint in his eye as he glares at Taehyung. 'I asked him to call me that, informally, if you really want to know. Besides, how your husband addresses others is not necessarily your concern, is it?'

'Jungkook-stop,' I say, alarmed, seeing Taehyung half-rise from his chair, glaring daggers at the man opposite. 'Look, I'll be outside, okay? You guys get on with your private meeting or conversation or whatever it is. And Taehyung...' I stop near his chair and lock eyes with him, mine as cold and angry as his. '....behave yourself.'

Jungkook snorts loudly and turns it into a discreet cough. Taehyung only watches me as I walk out the door with my head held high, his lips pressed in the same thin line and his eyes never leaving mine.

The door shuts behind me and I hear the low murmur of voices; somewhere inside, the small audio recorder I slipped quietly into one of the pen-stands during the heat of the argument begins to play.

How is it so far? I'd love to know.

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