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I guess this is a double update, but who's reading this anyway blah


I sit alone in the empty coffee shop, staring blankly past the glass window-sill into the bustling morning street outside.

A waitress appears by my side, smiling. 'What would you like to order, Sir?'

'Death,' I murmur.

She looks confused. 'I'm sorry?'

'Death....' I repeat, burying my face in my hands, my hair getting ruined in the process. 'I need a cup of death. Extra large, if possible.'

I hear her mutter something irritable and leave my side, but I don't care. As I said before, I'm beyond caring. Nothing seems to matter anymore.

I haven't been to office for a week now, and I have no idea how I'm going to explain my absence- I have no idea if I'm even going to go back there, honestly. Maybe I should just cut everyone off, begin looking for a new job, maybe move to a different city-

And yet....I can't.

I can't leave him behind.

Even now, as much as I hate him, my heart aches for him. I want him. I need him.

Is it such a sin to continue to love a man you know does not deserve your love?

Love is always called such a very beautiful thing, but for me, so far, it has been anything but beautiful.

It has been nothing short of pain and misery, and the worst part is, unlike everything else in my life that caused me hurt, there is no way I can get rid of it.

Not unless I physically rip my heart out, because who loves with their head? It is all within the workings of this stupid, stupid heart.

My phone begins to ring, and I cast a dull eye upon it as it lies next to me on the table. Yoongi's calling me for the third time today, and yet again I do not receive his call. Even if I do, what must I tell him? What is there to tell, indeed?

I appreciate his concern, but now it only makes my heart heavier. Oh, if only people knew the truth about me....about the secrets I keep....about the things I have done...

My vision blurs, and I can feel the tears coming once more. I do not try to stop them as they flow down my cheeks. I have been holding them in for so long, and here they are, a tell-tale reminder of how weak and pathetic and hopeless I am.

The world goes black for a few seconds, as my vision is distorted by crying. And then, suddenly, a hand is laid upon my arm, and a gentle voice says: 'Jimin.'

My tears catch in my throat, and I almost choke as I look up at the face of the person who I both have despised, and yearned to see for so long.



'Jimin.....' I whisper, and move my hand down his arm in long, comforting strokes. He needs it badly, I can tell. His face is blotted with tears, and his skin is a blanched shade of white as he stares up at me with confused, unthinking eyes.

I can feel the tears rise to my own. I've missed him. Despite everything....I've missed him. And I so....so wish he could be with me as I find out the culprit behind what happened to me and Tae. That I don't have to do this on my own.

But....and my face hardens as I think of this....Jimin is no longer to be trusted implicitly. Not anymore. We used to be best friends once, but not any longer. We have drifted apart. Truth be told, we had been drifting apart since a very long time....ever since I joined Jeon Corp, ever since the whole trouble began.

Bond Made in Hell || A TAEJIN STORY || Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now