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I just got a hundred followers AND my exams are almost ending, so here's a loooooooong chapter! Enjoy😋or not😩


Morning comes earlier than I expected.

I wake up and find myself curled up into a ball on the couch with a blanket over me, one that I didn't remember putting on, the heater switched on, which I didn't remember switching on, and a headache I didn't remember having last night.

Then I see the empty wine-glass on the table and groan. Of course. I got drunk and passed out. I don't remember taking the blanket out, though.

I run my hand over my forehead and look around. It's only seven, which means I still have plenty of time to wake up properly and freshen up for work. I could even snatch a few more minutes of sleep. I'm about to do exactly that, when I hear steps and Taehyung appears at the foot of the stairs, dressed in his office clothes and carrying his briefcase. I stare at him, eyes wide. 'You're going to work this early?'

'Why not?' He asks, stiffly, not meeting my eyes.

'You can't leave without having breakfast,' I say, still racking my brain to think what could have possessed him now. 'I'll tell the cook to whip something up-'

'Nope, it's okay. I already had some toast and coffee, I'm good to go.'



'Do you have something important to do at your office today? You don't usually leave this early. It's barely seven.'

'No, nothing important.' He shuffles his feet and shoulders his briefcase. 'I just don't want to stay where I'm not wanted.'

I narrow my eyes at him. This is not the Taehyung I know.

'Good you realised that. Any other reason, though?'



I watch him as he strides across the living room, crossing over to the door and starting to open it. He pauses with his hand on the doorknob.


I turn my head to look at him. 'What?'

'You should get off the couch. I haven't provided you a bed for nothing.'

'Provided?' I raise my eyebrows. 'Provided? Seriously? How does it matter to you what I sleep on, anyway?'

'No, it doesn't matter to me,' he says, abruptly. And without any further explanation he twists the door open and steps out.

I sigh and tumble out of the couch, groaning at the ache in my hands and legs after sleeping in such an uncomfortable position all night long. The blanket made things a little better, though. I can't remember taking it out for the life of me.

Why is Taehyung acting like this? All soft and warm hearted and cuddly? Well, not exactly 'cuddly.' If my lovely husband is 'cuddly' then I'm the king of Japan and Jimin finally found his jams.

Anyway, what do I care? He's a cheat, and I've basically cut all ties with him. The only one tie left is that of marriage, and I'm confident that's going to break off very soon as well.

I scramble upstairs to get dressed for work, showering and taking extra care to make sure I look as neat and presentable as possible for my next day at work. The embarassing incidents of yesterday still loom large on my mind, and I'm still pissed off at Taehyung and myself for it. Even though I've probably gone a long way down in Jungkook's esteem, there's no one stopping me from doing myself redeem. Hey, that rhymes.

Bond Made in Hell || A TAEJIN STORY || Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now