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'Found what you're looking for?'

My heart drops. I turn around quietly, and there stands Taehyung, hands in pockets, the expression on his face eerily nonchalant as he stares at me.


'I thought you knew better than to come sneaking into my bedroom in the middle of the night.'

The initial fear is replaced by anger. 'What do you mean, 'I knew better?' I'm your husband, Taehyung. If there's anyone who can do that in the whole house, it's me!'

'Yes, but did I ever give you permission?' Taehyung is dangerously close to me now, and there's an edge to his voice that makes me shiver slightly.

'What are you going to do, huh?' I put on a brave front, shoving my hands into my pockets, audio recorder included. 'Divorce me? Well, if you're going to do that, I suggest you make it quick.'

The corners of his lips twist into a smile. 'Jin, I know what you want. I know a divorce would be the high point of your marriage to me-the accomplishment of whatever 'mission' you've set out to complete. Well, let me tell you, the last person in the world to give you that sense of satisfaction would be me.

You're free to give me a divorce if you like. I can just go ahead and tell your parents and mine that you weren't happy with me, and to be honest, both you and me know that I wouldn't be lying.'

I stare at him. 'Well, at least you have the good sense to realize that. But I'm certainly not going to be the one to take that step. I'm out to prove my point: I'm going to be the one to break you, and not the other way around.'

'Very well then. Be it as you wish.' Taehyung's eyes narrow. 'What are you still doing with that audio recorder?'

I groan inwardly. I'd hoped he wouldn't bring that up. Still, it's worth giving it a shot. 'What audio recorder?'

Taehyung sighs. 'Jin...you might be good at manipulation, but you're terrible at lying.'

'Fine. I have it with me, because it's mine.' I glare at him, stepping out of the shadows, so I can see his face more clearly. I drop my hand into my pocket and bring the recorder out. 'You owe me an explanation.'

'I owe you an explanation?' Taehyung raises an eyebrow. 'Me or you?'


'Jin, seriously?'

'I know it was my fault I put the recorder in,' I say, my eyes still continue to meet his flashing brown ones. 'I know it was ridiculous and unethical, and honestly, I deserved to have it confiscated. But not by you. That office is not yours, you understand? Nor that pen-stand. Nor that table I kept it on. You can't simple go snooping around and keeping possessions that record your suspicious activity to yourself.'

'Suspicious activity?' Taehyung lets out a humorless laugh. 'Suspicious activity?' Jin, I think you and I have some things to clear up here. First off, I did not snoop: I saw you putting that recorder in, and after the meeting I found it and pocketed it quite deliberately.'

'And that's your idea of an explanation!'

'I'm not done yet. Do you even have any idea what I and Jungkook did in there?'

'I don't know. Played ball?' I roll my eyes. 'Taehyung, you don't need to clear things up for me: they're clear enough, for me, as it is. I know you threatened Jungkook and I know it because of the fact you took the recorder for yourself. And I know I shouldn't have recorded that conversation but now the desperation with which you want me not to hear it has made even more convinced that I should hear it as soon as I can. So, move out of my way and let me go to my room.'

Bond Made in Hell || A TAEJIN STORY || Arranged MarriageDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora