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Did you miss our Chimmy? Here he is😌


Mr Jeon just returned from his trip with the news that he had made Jin the offer of collaborating with our company and apparently, Jin had accepted.

Mr Jeon was happy about it, criminally happy. Of course he was. He was getting to expand his company's boundaries as well as set up a binding contract with the 'love of his life.' If there was one person not happy about the whole business, it was me.

I took the first opportunity when Mr Jeon stopped talking to rush into the bathroom and break down yet again, my fifth time this week. I locked myself into a stall and buried my head into my hands as I slid down onto the cold floor against the door. I felt the tears form at the corners of my eyes and dart down my cheeks, disappearing into my coat lapel. How could Mr Jeon do this to me?

I had worked three years at his office now and from day one I had been deeply and madly in love with him. 

'Park Jimin?'

'Yes, Sir, that's my name.'

Mr Jeon looks me up and down, he is a large, stern-looking young man with deer eyes and frowny eyebrows; I shiver internally, and seek to memorize his every feature to tell Jin afterwards.

'It says here,' Mr Jeon returns to gazing down at my curriculum vitae, 'that you are dedicated and sincere to your job, and implicitly obey orders. Is that true?'

'Yes, Sir.' I nod and bow low.

'If I ask you to jump, right now, from the window of this tower, eighteen floors high, will you jump?'

'S-sir?' I look at him, dumbfounded.

'You won't, right?' Mr Jeon smiles dryly and picks up a blue pen from his pen-stand, scratching out a few words from the piece of paper in front of him. 'Remember, orders must be obeyed, as long as you are an employee in this company, but not implicitly. Whatever orders you obey you must do with a certain amount of thought, or you shall be just like a spineless eel, being ordered anywhere or everywhere. You must retain your personality and whatever unique qualities you have; understood?'

'Yes, Sir.' 

'Good, then. You can speak to Mrs Oh at the reception office, ask her to issue your ID.'

No clear letter of employment, no word of congratulation, and yet his whole aura, his personality, the quiet, confident air he exuded-I was awed and impressed by every bit of it, and I was only a few meetings into my new employment when I realized I had fallen for him.

At first I had thought to dismiss my feelings for my boss as a mere crush, a wise decision considering the impropriety of the situation and what its consequences could be. But over time they only grew and deepened, which is why I was so horribly affected when Mr Jeon went out and slept with other men and women. I was not possessive, not even jealous-merely sad, sad that someone whose integrity and simplicity I had never doubted, turned out to be someone totally different.

And now he had gone and given his heart, if you could really call it a heart, to my best friend, Seokjin. Jin would be relinquishing his hold on his company and the collaboration would provide more benefits to his enterprise than he had got in the last couple of months. Also, he would be working alongside me, albeit at a higher position. I blinked away my tears and tried to smile for the sake of our friendship, but try as I might, I could not be truly happy.

I heard the door of the washroom open and some one stepped inside, whistling a tune. I froze as I knew the voice immediately, tightening my arms around myself and holding my breath to prevent myself from making any noise. Jungkook bustled around a lot, washing his hands, drying them with a hand dryer and grabbing lots of tissues. Then the door swung open again, and he was gone.

With a sigh of relief I twisted the lock of the door and stepped out of the stall, only to stop dead in my tracks as a set of questioning brown eyes turned their gaze on me from the sink. How the hell was he still here?

'Hello, Jimin-ah!' Jungkook said airily, and smiled a little. 'I didn't know you were here as well, I was calling for you. I needed to talk to you about something.'

I took a deep breath and swallowed hard, averting my eyes. 'I-I'll be waiting in the office, Sir.'

I made to go, but he put a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. 'No, wait. We can talk here.'

I turned around slowly and stood opposite him, my eyes on the floor, my heart doing little jumps inside my chest.

'Jimin, look at me.' I reluctantly turned my gaze to his face, meeting his eyes. 'You don't seem very happy about the contract I signed with Kim Bakeries. Is there something wrong? Is something irking you?'

EVERY DAMN THING! I wanted to shout at him, but I held myself back with effort. I coughed and looked back down at the floor. 'No, Sir.'

'I just helped your best friend nullify his husband's hold on his company, shouldn't you be happy about it?' Jungkook's voice was soft as he looked at me.


'That doesn't sound convincing.'

'Because I'm not!' The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them. I met Jungkook's eyes, my hands shaking at my sides as I stared defiantly at him.

'And why is that?' Jungkook asked, slowly, his gaze trained on me.

'Because-' I considered stopping, but I was already too far gone-'because I know what your real intentions are, Sir. You want to manipulate Seokjin into divorcing his husband for you, don't you? Your offer to him was merely an incentive, a tiny push towards making him do it. And as his best friend, I don't like your methods of trying to woo him. He is a married man, Mr Jeon. Whether he is happy or not doesn't matter-his marital affairs are his own, and not ours to handle. Why must you do things that can tear apart an entire marriage just for your own gain? We both know it is more your gain than the company's that drove you to make the offer-'

'Enough, Jimin,' Jungkook said, and his voice was cold, with a razor's sharp edge to it. 'Honestly, I thought more of you than this. I made the offer purely on the premise of aiding Jin both financially and morally, help him continue own his company. Whatever my reasons might be, I helped him, right? It amazes me how you can talk to me that way, when instead you should be thanking me. I wonder how Jin can have you as a best friend; from what I have seen of him, he is a noble soul, a pure heart; I am sure he would celebrate, not condone the success of his best friend.'

'I am happy for Jin, sir, I truly am!' I cry out, my voice shaking with shock and anger at Mr Jeon's words. 'But I do not want you to interfere in his personal life-that is a business he should deal with on his own and is perfectly capable of doing. Do not play with him and break his heart afterwards-I have seen you do that so many times, it's become almost-'

'What did you say?' Mr Jeon said, in a deadly whisper, and I balked as I realized his hands were gripping my shoulders in a vicelike grip; I had no idea how they had gotten there. 'What did you say, Park Jimin? What do you know of my affairs? Playing around and breaking hearts indeed! If you do not know the full thing, Jimin, it is better for both you and your employment in this company that you keep your pretty mouth shut about them.'

'Sir-' I choked out as his hands continued to tighten around my shoulders, '-sir, this is harassment, I can report you.'

Mr Jeon immediately lets go of me, shoving his hands into his coat pockets and fixing me with a cold, piercing stare. 'I did not intend to do that; my anger took the best of me. You see, when my anger gets out of control, I end up doing things I regret, this was only a preview.' And with the poorly masked threat he grabbed his tie from where he had draped it around the towel-stand, putting it around his neck and walking out, a tall proud figure in tweed coat, lapels flying.

I cried bitter tears as I watched him go; for the life of me, I did not know how to react, what to say or do. My phone started ringing in my back pocket; I pulled it out and flipped it open, a call from Jin.

I ignored it.

What do you think Jungkook's true intentions are?🤐

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