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Jin was in a very good mood as he bustled about, tidying things up and supervising the cooking of dinner. Taehyung noticed it, and bristled internally. It galled him that Seokjin, who was the cause of all his problems in life, should be walking about the place with a silly little smile plastered on his pretty face while he, Taehyung, sat exhausted and depressed and frustrated on the sofa after a tiring day at work.

'Jin!' he called out, and Jin ignored him as usual.

'Jin!' he called out, this time louder, with a hint of warning in his tone. Jin turned around from where he was adjusting the flowers in the vase and looked at him with a hint of a smirk on his face, which Taehyung did not like at all.

'Why are you smirking?' The smirk on Jin's face dropped, and he assumed an innocent expression. 'I'm not.'

'Yes you were.'

Jin sighs. 'Can you please drop it?'


'Drop what?' My eyes went to the book I was clutching mindlessly within my hands. 

'Not the book, you dumbo,' Jin rolled his eyes. 'I meant, drop the act. Drop the fake squabbling, the bickering, the hating-but-actually-loving sort of act. It makes me feel like we're actually a married couple, while we're not.'

'We are a married couple.' I stare at him.

'Yes, but you know what I mean.'

I sit in silence for a while as Jin returns to the flowers. I wish he wouldn't, there are servants in this house who can take care of this sort of thing.

But apparently, he likes arranging flowers. He also enjoys cooking. I must say, the kimchi-gimbap he cooked for my tiffin was tasty, tastier than most restaurant food I have eaten.

'Thanks for the kimchi,' I say to him, abruptly. His eyes widen as he realizes the compliment was addressed to him. 

'The k-kimchi?' he stutters. 'What about kimchi?'

'The one you cooked for lunch,' I say, lowering my gaze to the table. 'It was...delicious.'

'Well, thank you,' he says, and I look up to see a tiny smile on his face as he resumes his work. 

'How was your day?' I ask him, a little hesitantly. I wonder if he's going to snap at me again, or say something snarky like he usually does.

He does neither. He sighs and takes a seat on the opposite sofa. 'It was okay, I guess. How was yours?'

'Same ol' thing. I want to hear more about your day, though. I hope you were nicely welcomed.'

Jin's eyebrows raise a little. 'Well, that's a first. As for the welcome, I was definitely welcomed, but it wasn't a showy affair. At my workplace we focus more on work than grandeur and display and stuff, you know.'

I redden, getting what he's implying at. 'You must have had a lot of workload.'

His lips part and I can almost see the words 'Why do you care?' hovering at the tip of his tongue, and I honestly wouldn't blame him if he does say that. But yet again, he doesn't.

'You're in a good mood,' I observe. 'Did something good happen at work?'

Jin breathes in sharply, then seems to steel himself, like he's about to announce something big. As a matter of face, this time, he does. 'The CEO of Jeon Corp-Jeon Jungkook-he showed up at my office.'

The whole world spins around and seems to come to a stop before me as I half-leap to my feet. 'WHAT?'

'Calm down, calm down,' Jin's eyes dart anywhere other than my face as he says it, and he bites his lip. 'He didn't do anything.'

'That's not the point, Jin. You don't know him like I do. What did he say to you?'

Jin's eyebrows rise higher on his pale smooth forehead. 'You realize I'm not obligated to tell you, right?'

He's getting on my nerves. But I need to know the whole thing, so I take a deep breath and say with as much calm as I can muster, 'I know you're not. But you can just tell me, can't you? It would be easier for all of us if you did.'

'Is that a threat?'

'Yes, god damn it!' I lose all self-control as I bang my book down on the table, knocking it into the vase and splattering water everywhere. 'It is a threat! If Jeon Jungkook showed at your office, Jin, I demand to know why he did and what he did!'

'You're an asshole,' Jin says under his breath, but I hear it anyway. 'I'm glad I accepted his offer, now.'

'What offer?' I bark, standing across the table and glaring at him. He doesn't move or speak. 'THE HELL, JIN. WHAT OFFER!?'

'You realize there are servants who can hear us, right?' Jin says, in a low voice.

'I don't care. I can fire them whenever I want! Just tell me what that bastard said to you!'

'Fine, calm down! I'll tell you what he said, but just remember I'm doing you a favour by telling you, okay? He offered to collab with my company on a contractual basis, and I agreed.'

'You WHAT!?' My eyes pop wide open as I stare at him, shocked and angry beyond measure.

His nostrils flare. 'What? Weren't you the one who said you had no interest in acquiring rights over my company?'

'Yes, I didn't. I would have given up those rights if you had asked me to! But not this way!!'

'I know you probably would have. But I don't trust you Taehyung, that's the problem.'

My jaw drops open. 'You trust Jeon Jungkook and not your own husband?'

'Yeah, well, maybe I would have!' His voice rises as well as he glares at me. 'If you hadn't been behaving like a total jerk to me from day one, from the day of our wedding!'

'Yeah, like you'd behaved any better!' I shoot back at him, my chest heaving. 'If you had been more cooperative with me, maybe I would have been nicer to you but no, you had to go and do everything to get on my nerves especially and drive me crazy!'

'Oh, did I!' Jin shouts as he jumps to his feet as well, eyes flashing. 'Did I, now! Who was the person who told me he already had a lover and that I was just a sort of a-I don't know-TROPHY husband? Who-'

'I never called you that!' I say, my eyes beginning to glint dangerously. 'Stop lying, Jin!'

'Oh sure, I'm the liar here!' Jin's voice is dripping with sarcasm. 'You think I don't know about what you do every evening behind your locked doors? Talk sugary shit to your girlfriend and then come saying righteous stuff to me about how much you hate people who cheat on their husbands! And don't try to deny it. I've heard you!'

I'm struck speechless. How....?

'Yeah, I've been doing some spying of my own!' Jin shouts, and even though there's a smirk on his lips I can see the tears welling up in his large brown eyes. 'So don't go all goody-goody on me, understand? I won't give up my company to a cheat like you in a thousand years and yep, you should hear this for once loud and clear, I think Jeon Jungkook is a hundred, no a thousand times better than you!'

He rises, his face crimson and breathless with shouting, and turns to go. I swallow the lump in my throat, rage rising to my brain once more as he mentions Jeon Jungkook.

'Whoever I am and whatever you do, Jin,' I shout after him, 'I will see that you do not share your company with any one, least of all this man!!'

'Let's see how you stop me!' Jin screams back, and I hear a muffled sob as he runs up the stairs to his room.

I sink onto the sofa and bury my head into my hands. I can't believe this is actually happening.



Bond Made in Hell || A TAEJIN STORY || Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now