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The next day after the battle, Goku and Azula were again in front of their father. The generals were also there as spectators. Although Azula did not take part in the capture of the invaders, it was well known that she was the one who took care of those who tried to attack Fire Lord Ozai directly. Ozai was with a stern face.

- Prince Goku, you excelled on the battlefield yesterday. Your leadership was able to command the soldiers and give them the motivation needed to continue even when no one was able to fire bend, reaffirmed your expertise in the battlefield and Guerrilla tactics. Azula, although I know that you accomplish your duty fighting those who infiltrated, we were able to receive information that your first report about the death of the Avatar was wrong. Can you explain yourself?

- Of course, father. As I detailed in the written report, I made about the whole situation back in Ba Sing Se. The plan was for the Dai Lee to distract the followers of the Avatar, while Zuko and I attacked the Avatar. The moment that we could fight him together, was when Iroh appeared and stopped me. After that, the Dai Lee warriors and I took care of him, while Zuko fought the Avatar. When we were able to get there, he told us that he killed the Avatar right there, incinerating him completely. Which made it impossible to find a body.

- I see. So, your brother's treason was calculated since that moment to create an element of surprise.

After hearing about the treason of Zuko, Goku changed his face to one with pain. Ozai was able to realize it.

- I understand that it is difficult to think that our own family is doing this to us. That is why we should remain together. Now go and rest, that later this day we need the population to celebrate this last battle and they will need to see their hero.

Once Azula and Goku left the Fire Lord Hall, they walk to the usual spot, the turtle-duck pond. They were walking side by side in silence. They did not know what to talk about. Each of them had different things in their minds. Azula was relieved that her father did not punish her for lying to him. And Goku was still thinking about his brother, about the news that also his uncle escaped jail the same day. Then he remembered about Mai and felt sorry for her as his boyfriend and fiancé is now a traitor.

The ceremony for Goku was the same as they did for Azula and Zuko before. The people were in the main square, but now it looked that there are more people than the last time. It seems that not only the common population was there, they were also some soldiers that were on their resting day. All of them were cheering for Goku, as they were able to personally witness everything he was able to accomplish. Goku was overwhelmed by everything. He just waved at them for a brief moment and then he made a small speech that had been written by Azula. When he went back to the palace, he was received by Ty Lee and Mai who bow to him. Goku just smiled at them while scratching his head.

After a few days later, during one of the meetings about the war, some news arrived. One was about Omashu's current situation, as it was taken over by the Mad King. The other was about the maximum secured prison: "Boiling Rock". It seems that Zuko was captured when he tried to search for the war criminals. Goku looked pained by the news, Ozai realized that and wanted to point him to can make a recognition trip there, but Azula asked for a turn to speak, she asked her father to be her the one to make the recognition. She explained that she wanted to use some new techniques to can take information from people. Fire Lord Ozai accepted and put her in charge of that mission. He gave her only 48 hours, to can make the recognition. If it is Zuko, she should take all the information needed for the Fire Nation. When the meeting was over, Goku got close to Azula:

- I want to go with you.

- Not in your state. You are currently still dueling with the treason of his.

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