A new plan

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Toph walked side by side with Katara. Behind was Zuko, who was trying to check on his siblings who went directly to the city.

Azula was helping Goku with one of his shoulders, but then Goku fell to the ground as he suddenly lost all his strength.

The battle took a lot of Goku's energy. He used all his energy left in the spirit bomb. The injuries did not help him at all, and due to the damage, he lost consciousness.

Zuko saw Goku falling and went to help. Azula frowned for the help of her older brother but said nothing. Her worries were in Goku.

- Wait a moment, please.

Zuko left for a moment, and then he came back with a Mongoose lizard. He put Goku over the animal and gave the reins to Azula. Azula did not take the reins from Zuko's hand but from another end and walked in the direction of Tu Zin.

Toph smirked when she "saw" everything. She went where the bodies of her friends were.

Katara did not cry, she was unable to. She felt pain in her chest and felt angry and helpless. She cursed herself for not being strong or brave enough. Her brother was a non-bender, he wasn't the best swordsman either. His brains were the best of him, and he was the one that planned the invasion. He was brave.

Aang knew what was going to happen when he went against that Saiyajin. He flew in his direction to save the world.

She couldn't do anything, she could only stop him for a brief moment, and the monster could break free.

Toph put both bodies close to the other. Her eyes looked to nowhere. Being blind did not help her friends know what she was looking at.

- Katara. Do you still have energy? If you do, could you put both on ice?

Katara confused, turned to see Toph.

- Remember what you told me about how you found Aang for the first time?

Katara did not want to think more about it. She nodded and started to concentrate. After a few minutes, she could gather water from the air and put Aang's and Soka's bodies in a block of ice.

- Good. In the city are just a few Water benders. We can ask them to help us once we are there.

The first to arrive in the city was Azula and Goku. The city was calmer now, but the citizens were worried that Goku arrived unconscious.

When Toph arrived with Katara and Zuko, she asked one guard to bring the water benders in secret. Katara went with them.

Zuko went close to Toph and asked:

- What are you going to do with their bodies?

- I'll explain once we are all together.

- We were together back there, so why you...

- No, I mean ALL together.

Zuko went silent. A guard arrived to report Toph about the current state of the city. Toph left Zuko's side and started to give orders, and asked for a healer for herself.

One week have passed. Inside the room where Goku had been after the battle, was Azula and TomTom. Azula was sat in a chair, close to the window, reading some papers with her legs crossed. TomTom was talking to Goku about his current progress with training. Goku was in the bed, with an exaggerated number of bandages. He was unable to move his body without feeling pain.

There was a knock on the door, and without waiting for any response, the door opened. Azula only looked over the papers in her hand and saw Toph. Knowing what was going to happen next, Azula sighted and put the papers inside a drawer, next to Goku's bed.

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