The real battle begins

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The explosion light does not let anyone know what happen. All except for three people. Goku, Azula and Toph.

Azula and Goku were surprised by the sudden change. For the energy that disappeared.

Toph could not say anything or move. Only a tear passed from her eye through all of her cheek.

After the cloud of dust was gone, the rest also realized what had happened.

In the place where Sokka and the Saibaiman were, only Sokka's body was.

Suki ran to his side and tried to move him.

Goku frown at the situation.

- It self-destructed.

There was burned marks on Sokka's body.

Suki's eyes started to show the tears that started to flow down.

- He is dead

Said Suki while holding Sokka's body.

Katara hugged Aang while crying, but he also started to glow. His tattoos were glowing in an intensity he had never done.

Aang started to float in the air inside a bubble of air.

Azula screamed at Katara.

- What is he doing? Tell him to get out of the Avatar State. He will waste his energy!

Katara knew the strategy that Azula drew for this fight. Aang should use the Avatar state only as a last resource. But Katara could not care less at the moment. Her brother died in front of her. She wants vengeance.

Aang started to bend the air and throw the rest of the Saibaiman into the air. In contrast, Nappa and Vegeta did not move an inch.

While the creatures were in the air, Aang started to fire bend to the sky. A huge fireball went over the Saibaimen. Then he used his earth bending to add a big rock inside the fireball.

When the Saibaiman started to fall, the enormous fireball was divided into six. Each of the fireballs also has part of the rick inside.

The attack was directed to the Saibaiman and the Saiyajins.

When the fire rocks passed throw the bodies of three of the Saibaiman, a big explosion happened.

- Stupid!

Said Azula. Aang calmed after that and went back to Katara. He almost fell, but Katara helped him stand. Suki felt relief that everything was finished. She thought that Aang killed everyone. Then Aang said:

- One of those monsters is still...

Aang was saying while suddenly one Saibaiman attacked Ty Lee from behind. She was still distracted by everything and did not realize about the attack.

The Saibaiman tried to use its claws to damage Ty Lee. Azula took the monster from the wrist and then threw him into the air, and with her fist, she blasted a powerful blue fire. The body of the Saibaiman turned to ashes.

- Put yourself together. The real fight will be starting soon.

Said Azula. After that, she looked in the direction where the Saiyajins were before the Attack of the Avatar.

Toph nodded and changed into a fighting stance. Katara and Suki did not understand until they looked in the same direction as them. The two saiyajins were still standing as if nothing had happened.

- Can't be. Th... this can't be true. Even in his Avatar State, with the power of the spirits.

Mumbled Katara.

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