The New Threat

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It has past almost 9 years since Goku and Azula found their father. Many things had changed. Toph moved her Metal bending school and her family to the village turn to city, Tu Zin. Azula wanted to call the city "Ozai city", but it was too small and not as strong as she would want. This way Goku and Toph could train more frequently, and it also gives a way to improve, as some students are lava benders, and they could learn something from the fire benders of the place. Although Aang would want to offer them to annex the city to the United Republic, the proposition was denied by Katara and Zuko right away, Soka in his part was open to hearing why, and how would that benefit the new country, but with the denial of the other two, the idea was discarded.

Soka, the non-bender guy in the Avatar gang, was responsible for the new country called the "United Republic". The country was founded by Aang and Zuko. The county consists of all of the previous colonies of the Fire Nation. Even when Soka wanted to have a calm peaceful life with a wife and maybe with kids, that never come to reality, the task took him a lot of his time and effort. Due to his new job, he had a small-time for himself, and that time did not synchronize with his girlfriend Suki, who was a bodyguard for Zuko, the Fire Lord. The time she spent with the Fire Lord was another problem, as Sokka started to grow jealous of Zuko as he spent more time with Suki than him, which ended up the reason for their break up.

Zuko was crowned the new Fire Lord. He was able to get married to Mai and had a baby girl that they called Izumi. He lived in the palace alongside his mother and his stepfather and step-sister. Although his family life with them was exceptional, with the big contrast with Sokka, his life as a Fire Lord was a nightmare. Many citizens did not like him, and many revolts started every now and then. The problems started when he decided to give the colonies away and work with the Avatar to give them back to the Earth Kingdom. Then when he started to help him to create a new country, things got worse. Many Citizens felt betrayed by him. They felt that he did not respect the fallen soldiers, those who fought in the war for the acquisition of territories, and for the Fire Nation. Because of that, many families in the fire nation were divided. Many companies decided to leave the Fire Nation as many of their factories were based in the colonies. They were able to extract the raw material from there, so money and jobs were lost when they did that. Food, metal, and many other resources were coming from the colonies and helped the Fire Nation to stay afloat, but with the division, many people started to pass hunger. Zuko also needed to work with the Nation's debt, as many of the funds were sent to the military. No wonder there were revolts and conspiracies to overthrow him. Zuko started to feel a little paranoid, as many of the revolts asked for Azula or for Goku to be on the throne, his only place of comfort was his family. Although one thing was hidden from him, and it was the wish of her mother to see Azula and Goku, as she wants to ask for forgiveness.

Aang, on his side, was having a better life. He traveled to different parts of the world with his wife, Katara. And by his good surprise, every time he visited an air temple, more people wanted to become acolytes and learn the Air Nomads culture. His greatest joy happened when Katara gave born to a baby boy. They called him Bumi, in honor of his late friend from the Earth Kingdom. Aang still goes and helps Soka in his duty with the United Republic. At some point, Aang and Soka went to ask Toph if she wanted to help in the United Republic with the security, this was done behind Zuko and Katara's back as they knew that Toph was living with Azula and Goku. Toph accepted, she said that she will do it in her own way, and the only police she will have under her will be her disciplines from the academy.

Goku and Azula were still living together, and nothing much had changed between them. Azula is still busy around him. They now live in a bigger house, and all the aides that used to work in the palace of the Fire Nation are now working there. The town of Tu Zin was filled with Fire Nation citizens and Earth benders that decided to stay, most of them were people who wanted to enter Toph's academy.

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