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It's almost three in the morning and Jax still hasn't made it back. I was pacing back in forth in the living room and Jackson was more pissed than worried. I don't know if this has happened before but it was nerve wracking. There's no clue where he went and he even left his phone.

Maybe I should've just talked to him instead of snapping. He just wanted to know what was going on with me and I should've told him. He wouldn't have ran out if I just talked to him.

I ran a hand through my hair and began chewing on my nails. My nerves were all over the place and if I tried to sit still, I would've just hopped right back up.

"Where the fuck is he?" Jackson grumbled, pulling out his phone.

"Jackson, has this happened before?" I asked him.

He sighed, then looked at me.

"It started when Marcus took you. That was his way of... letting his anger out and shit. I thought that would've faded when you got here, but obviously I was wrong."

Of course this has happened before. He wouldn't just run out.

I sat on the sofa, ruffling my hair with a slight groan. The door swung open and I quickly
turned my head that way. Jax stumbled inside, with cuts and bruises along his face. His lip was bloody and he looked half dead. Jackson was the first to walk to him, grabbing his shirt and dragging him to the kitchen.

I quickly got up and followed after them but kept a slight distance. Jax leaned back against the counter, eyes closed and body slowly swaying from side to side. One side of me was pissed that he did this to himself. The other side was worried more than anything... and part of it was because of me.

"What the hell were you thinking, huh?" Jackson mumbled to him, opening the first aid kit. "You have one little argument and you run off like a big baby."

"I'm not a baby and it wasn't just a little argument. She fucking slapped me," Jax replied, grunting.

"And you obviously deserved it, dumbass. You said you were gonna stop this shit, Jax."

"I say a lot of shit. Doesn't make it believable."

That hurt a lot more than I thought it would.

"You're stupid."

Jax let out a groan when Jackson punched him in the shoulder then continued to clean his face up. When Jax looked past Jackson and caught my eye, I looked away with a hum.

"I-I didn't know you were right there."

"Hard to believe your girlfriend cares about you, huh?" I replied sarcastically, scoffing.

"It's not that, Aliya. I just needed some time-"

"No, you said you wanted space, Jax. Time and space are two different things. What did you do for all these hours anyways?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"Tell her," Jackson said.

"Fight club then bar. It's all I do when I leave at night. Kind of my escape," Jax said, avoiding eye contact with me.

"So, you get yourself hurt instead of just talking to me?"

"You made it painfully clear that you didn't wanna to talk."

"I only slapped you because you were pressuring me into something that I wasn't ready to talk about, Jax."

"That's not what I was trying to do-"

"But you did! You were mad because I wouldn't sleep in the same room as you and then you lashed out because I wouldn't talk about what happened or how I was feeling. I know it's frustrating and I know I'm difficult, but you need to understand. This is not easy."

𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now