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Bright lights, machines beeping, comfy bed. At least I know I'm not dead.

My eyes started to open but immediately closed again when the lights hit my eyes. I groaned quietly and raised my arm to block them, wincing slightly. One eye opened halfway and I was able to catch a glance of the I.V in my arm.

These hospital visits are starting to get tiring.

With a bit of crazy blinking and water eyes, I managed to open my eyes all the way. My vision was a bit blurry but it didn't take long for it to clear up. My hand was wrapped up and when I moved it around, it was a terrible stinging pain.

The door swung open, making me flinch and my eyes quickly avert to the door. Mama and Daniel walked inside, smiling when they looked at me. I waved weakly and urged them to come in with my hand.

"Hey, sweetheart," Mama said, kissing my cheek. "How you feeling?"

"Tired," I rasped, coughing slightly. "Um, how long was I out?"

"Just a few hours. Kevin and Jackson are checking on Jax," she said, sitting beside me and holding my hand. "You remember anything?"

"It's a bit fuzzy, but... I remember people following us and then us in the car. Everything before and after that is a blur."

"Well, someone found you and Jax on the side of the road. According to the doctor, there wasn't any terrible damage. Your wrist is sprained, your leg was burned from the car fire," she sighed, rubbing the top of my hand with her thumb. "The only somewhat major thing is the minor concussion from the airbag."

"W-What about Jax?" I asked.

"He also has a minor concussion from his airbag along with bruised ribs from the impact of the crash. His arm was caught in the fire as well, but that's it. Nothing permanent and nothing intense."

I nodded my head, sighing.

"It could've been worse," I mumbled, slightly moving my hand around.

"It really could've. The good thing is, is that you two are okay and are able to leave soon."

"You two scared the hell out of us," Daniel said, sighing. "None of you were answering your phones or anything. We didn't know anything until the hospital called."

"I'm sorry, and-" I stopped talking when my head started to pound.

I brought a hand to my forehead, groaning quietly and leaning back.

"It's alright, it's alright. Don't stress or anything," Daniel said, sitting on the other side of me.

"They were following us," I finally said. "I noticed them in the mall and they saw us. That's when they chased out and it turned into a car chase. Next thing you know, we're in a wreck then here," I explained, bringing my eyes to them.

"He knows where we are now," Mama whispered, running a hand through her hair.

"I'm sorry. I-I didn't know that he'd have people there. Jax just wanted to take me out."

"It's not your fault or anyone else's. We should've known not to let you to go out, knowing your lives were in danger."

I stayed silent, pursing my lips and bringing my eyes to my lap. My head went back up when Jackson walked inside, smiling at me.

"Hey, kiddo."

"Hey, Jackson," I said, smiling. "How is he?"

"He's still passed out from the anesthetics," he chuckled, closing the door behind him. "How about you?"

𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now