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I've always been afraid of death. It's crossed my mind some moments but then quickly left as the thought consumed and scared the living shit out of me. Just thinking about becoming nothing, forgotten, an empty space... scared me.

That was until I was faced with death himself. My skin burned with a red tint shading the spot that was hit. With every swing against my flesh, a loud scream came up from my throat along with a thrash against the chains.

My body trembled and every breath felt like my last. Tears streamed down my face and my hands clenched around the chains as quiet sobs left my lips.

Another swing, another scream. The tall man with blond hair who my father had torturing me managed to give me small breaks in between. But it didn't make the pain go away... it just reminded me of the situation I was in.

Believe it or not the hits with the leather didn't start until recently. When he first took me away, it was just like back home. Casual beatings from time to time and fucked up remarks.

The longer I stayed here, the more he grew angry with me. It's as if he remembered that I was his daughter and it just made him resent me even more. The look of disgust in his eyes, that was all too familiar with, stared back at me everyday.

I thought I escaped the torture. The pain. The hell. But I was wrong... because it just pulled me back in.

"Ah!" I screamed out for what felt like the hundredth time.

My raw flesh was crying out in pain and I was silently begging they would let me down. But the more I prayed and begged... the more they hit me. As if they could hear me crying for help.

My cries turned into pained whimpers, my body being too tired to form any more tears. Once my arms were free from the chains, my body hit the cold free with a thud while my pale body continued to shake.

"Let's go."

Without a warning, the man picked me up by my arm and practically dragged me out of the room. It was freezing and the only clothing I had on were shorts and a bra.

Every time they decide to hit me with the piece of leather, they make me take off of my shirt so the hits could have 'better damage.'

I don't know how he had the time or money to get this place but it felt like I was in a torture chamber. It's as if the rooms were made especially for me and my mom.

She's been locked here with me for the past two years. I don't know what kind of punishments she's been getting but I've never been able to see her. Even if I did, I wouldn't know what to say to her.

"When's the last time Marcus fed you?" The man randomly asked me.

"A few weeks ago, I-I think," I stammered out, with my lowered.

"He wants me to bring you to the dining area. Don't complain, don't be a smartass or the pain will be worse than before, got it?"

I nodded my head as he continued to pull me wherever my father was. My eyes scanned the area but eventually we were in the dining room.

Just feeling his presence near me made me tremble and the fear inside me, shot up a thousand percent. I was pushed closer to the table and my breathe hitched in my throat when the devil himself turned to me.

"Took you long enough," he told the man next to me.

"You told me to increase the amount the more she cried. She was crying the whole time, sorry for the wait sir."

"It's no problem. You may leave now."

The man nodded then walked off without another word.

"I'm pretty sure you know that it's about time I feed you for the month. You know where to sit, so go on."

I glanced at the plate on the floor next to the chains that I would have to latch onto my ankles. My arm went up, rubbing the other while I walked to my food. I sat with a wince and put the cold chains onto my ankles, latching them on.

It didn't take me long to finish the meal, since it was a small portion. He never did give me big plates as he thought it would be like a reward instead of a punishment. He never wanted to feed me in the first place but my mom practically begged him to.

It was better than nothing so I couldn't really complain. This is the most I'll get while I'm trapped here and if I make a remark about it, I'll be sent back to the room and tortured all over again.

After all these years, I still have no idea why he hated me.

I undid the chains and stood up, waiting for what was going to happen next. Eventually the same man came and brought me to the room- which I called a cell- so I could sit there until further notice.

He tossed me inside then shut the door and locked it. I slowly sat on the bed and rubbed my arms to attempt to warm them up. After all this time, I'm still not used to being here.

I was starting to lose faith that I was going to get out of here. Every day I woke up in this hellhole, my faith decreased each time. It won't do me any good just losing hope but what other option is there?

It's like living with him all over again except this time the punishment is just for his fun. Another difference is he isn't doing the abuse, his little servants are. I have no idea what I did to deserve this.

All I did was try to be a good daughter when mom left us. Cleaning, cooking, doing whatever he asked... but it obviously wasn't enough. He was tired of me in his life. He didn't want me. Maybe if mom would've took me with her, everything would've been better.

I wouldn't have been abused, treated like shit, and talked down on as if I was the dirt under his shoe. Maybe I would've had a better life, and that includes school.

The bullying just added to the fact that I was nothing. I wasn't supposed to be born. I'm just a waste of space. I ruined people's lives the second I was born and seeing that my mom and 'father' split a few years after I was born shown that.

The door swung open and my head quickly turned. One of my fathers' helpers, Kevin, walked inside with what looked like fresh clothes. He as a cold exterior but in reality, he cares a lot about me. He looks no younger 25 but I never asked his age.

"I had to wait until Marcus went out but I got you something warmer to wear."

"T-Thank you," I said in a hushed whisper, slowly extending my hand to take the clothes.

He turned away as I quickly changed then afterwards he took my old clothes and put them in a bag. Once I got comfortable in the bed again he placed a cookie and a bottle of water beside me before walking out.

I laid down with a shudder and held the pillow tightly against me, letting the silent tears shed.

When am I gonna be free from this hell?

we're backkk! don't hate me for this chapter, just had to prepare y'all... heh

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