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Third Person's POV

It'd been a full week since then making it another Wednesday when the group, except Tanaka, joined for a weekly report.

"Anything new guys? He seems kinda the same."

"Well. Sunday I did catch him at this cafe nearby. The weird thing is, he kept looking at it sadly from across the street! He stood there for like 10 minutes before heading home."

Odd. That definitely wasn't usual Tanaka behaviour. They'd all tried texting him, constantly checking in on him till it got to the point where he became a bit suspicious. Not wanting to upset him by mentioning anything, they, meaning Suga, came up with the lie that they were just checking in on everyone's mental health as orders from coach. Thankfully, he bought the lie and everything was fine.

"Well I talked to Saeko-neesan. She said they didn't get any calls from their parents since last month. Yeah they said they'd be gone longer but that his mood only started up a week ago. It just doesn't add up!" Noya exclaimed in frustration.

"Let's just force him to tell us. If he keeps this up it's gonna take a pretty shitty effect on all of us during games. We should get to the bottom of this now." Came Tsukki's blunt suggestion. He wasn't wrong and the others also realised this. If this kept up and Ryuu's mood kept worsening, it was going to end badly for the team, much more their ability to focus and work together.

Daichi and Suga, the two voted as team parents, nodded and made their way over to the boy who was, once again, staring down at his phone. The other members right behind them, just as curious.

"Tanaka?" He didn't seem to even register their voices and made no move to suggest that he had.

"Hey Ryuu!" Noya slapped a hand on the boy's back causing him to jolt as his head snapped up to look at them.

"O-Oh hey guys. And wow Noya that really frickin hurt dude." He proceeded to rub the now aching spot where Noya's lash landed.

"We wanted to talk to you about something. All of us."

"Huh? Oh sure of course guys what's up?" A grin plastered itself onto his face though it was very clearly not reaching his eyes.

Suga placed a hand on his shoulder, starting him straight in the eyes as though they would tell him exactly what he was looking for. The other boy's face shifted to confusion and worry under the gaze of his senpai/vice captain.

"Tanaka. We've all noticed you've been kinda, uh, distant the past week or 2. It's gotten all of us pretty worried and we've all been trying to figure out what's wrong but we're lost." The others quietly nodded along. Tanaka looked at all of their faces before letting out a small sigh.

"I get it now. I'm sorry for worrying you guys so much. I just have a lot on my mind right now and it's pretty much been bumming me out." The others cast curious glances which he obviously saw, sighed and proceeded to explain.

"You see...I have...I have a girlfriend."




It was dead silent throughout the gym. The team, coach Ukai and even Kiyoko were all staring bug eyed at the boy. That was until Noya let out a "pfft" and the entire gym was filled with laughter of the rest of the team.

"Dude if you didn't wanna tell us you didn't have to make up such a ridiculous lie ahaha."

"HUH? I'M NOT LYING THOUGH. I DO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!" This only seemed to make the laugther multiply as the other 2nd years were now rolling on the floor, everyone clutching their stomachs while gasping for air between laughs.

"Oh yeah? 'wheeze' What school does she go to huh?"

"She goes to Fukurodani Academy and she's a 3rd year!" The speed at which he answered caused them to hesitate but had them doubting nonetheless.

"You could've easily made that up dude." Ennoshita shook his head disapprovingly, the laughter keeping up.

"There's no way you scored a girl from Fukurodani Tanaka. Much less a third year." The Karasuno team's laughter could be heard down the halls.

"I so did. She's real! Her name is Y/n M/n L/N. Hell I'll even call her right now and prove it!"

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