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Tanaka blinked his eyes open, the morning light filtering through the window and illuminating the familiar chaos of Noya's room. Volleyballs, jerseys, and posters adorned the walls, a testament to their shared passion for the sport. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and for a moment, he almost forgot about the heartbreak that had weighed him down the previous day.

As he stretched, he noticed Noya already awake, energetically rummaging through his volleyball bag. "Morning, Tanaka! Ready for practice today?" Noya grinned, his enthusiasm contagious.

Tanaka managed a half-smile, appreciating Noya's effort to keep his spirits up. "Yeah, let's give it our best shot."

Noya tossed him a volleyball with a playful smirk. "Come on, man! I know yesterday was rough, but today is a new day. Let's smash it on the court!"

Feeling a flicker of determination, Tanaka caught the ball, his competitive spirit reigniting. "You're right, Noya. Let's show them what we're made of!"

They both got ready for practice, the familiar routine providing a sense of stability amid the emotional turbulence. As they stepped onto the volleyball court, Tanaka felt a surge of adrenaline. The sound of sneakers squeaking against the gym floor and the rhythmic thuds of the volleyball filled the air, drowning out his worries, at least for a little while.

With each powerful spike and precise set, Tanaka found himself immersed in the game, the intensity of their play washing away his heartbreak, if only temporarily. The camaraderie with his teammates, including Noya, was a reminder that he wasn't alone. He had a team that supported him both on and off the court.
Tsukishima's phone blared the familiar ringtone he had set for Y/n, cutting through the air in the silent gym like a sharp knife. The joy that had filled the room just moments before dissipated, leaving an uncomfortable tension in its wake. The gym fell into an eerie silence as everyone turned their attention toward Tsukishima, curiosity and concern etched on their faces.

Tsukishima hesitated for a moment before reluctantly answering the call. He brought the phone to his ear, his expression unreadable. "What do you want?" he said, his tone icy.

Y/n's voice, slightly shaky, came through the line. "Tsukki, we need to talk. Can we meet?"A flicker of annoyance crossed Tsukishima's face. "I don't have time for this right now."There was a brief pause before Y/n's voice cracked with desperation. "Please, Tsukki. It's important."

Tsukishima's jaw clenched, his irritation evident. He glanced around the gym, the weight of everyone's eyes on him making the situation even more uncomfortable. With a resigned sigh, he finally relented. "Fine. I'll meet you. But make it quick."

He ended the call without waiting for a response, his expression a mix of frustration and uncertainty. The gym remained silent for a moment, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken tension. Tsukishima pocketed his phone and walked away, his teammates watching him, their curiosity evident.

Tanaka couldn't shake off the feeling of frustration and hurt that had settled in his chest after hearing about Tsukishima's meeting with Y/n. As practice continued, he found it increasingly difficult to focus on the game. When they finally took a break, he couldn't contain his anger any longer.

He stormed over to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Are you guys seriously going to meet Y/n after what they did to us? After all the pain they caused?"

Tsukishima met Tanaka's gaze with his characteristic indifference. "It's none of your business, Tanaka. We're just talking."

Tanaka's frustration boiled over, and he clenched his fists. "Talking? Talking about what? How they shattered our trust? How they hurt us?"

Yamaguchi, trying to diffuse the situation, spoke up softly. "Tanaka, we just want to understand, that's all."

But Tanaka wasn't in the mood for understanding. He turned away from them, his jaw tight, and ignored their attempts to reach out. He didn't want to hear justifications or excuses. The pain was still too fresh, the wounds too deep.

Instead, he walked away, needing space to process his emotions. He knew he couldn't run from the situation forever, but in that moment, he needed distance from the people who seemed willing to forgive so easily.

As he retreated, he vowed to confront his feelings head-on, even if it meant facing the uncomfortable truth about the people he cared about. For now, he needed time to heal, to come to terms with the betrayal he felt, and to find a way to move forward.

As he left the gym, Tsukishima's thoughts were a jumble of emotions. He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in the pit of his stomach. Whatever Y/n wanted to talk about, he knew it was bound to complicate an already complicated situation, leaving him grappling with emotions he preferred to keep buried.

Yamaguchi watched Tsukishima with a mix of concern and curiosity. "Tsukki, are you sure you want to talk to Y/n? I mean, after everything that happened..."

Tsukishima glanced at Yamaguchi, his expression unreadable. "I have to know, Yamaguchi. She was like an older sister to me. I need to hear her side of the story."

Yamaguchi nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. He placed a hand on Tsukishima's shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile. "Just be careful, okay? Emotions are running high, and it might not be easy."

Tsukishima acknowledged Yamaguchi's concern with a slight nod. He appreciated his friend's support, even if he didn't show it openly. "I'll be fine, Yamaguchi. I just need to get some answers."

With that, they walked to meet her, Tsukki's mind heavy with anticipation and apprehension as Ymaguchi did his best to stay calm for the both of them. They knew that the conversation with Y/n wouldn't be easy, but they felt a deep-seated need to understand the truth, to make sense of the shattered trust and conflicting emotions that swirled within them.

As he made his way to meet Y/n, Tsukishima steeled himself for the difficult conversation ahead, determined to find closure and clarity, no matter the outcome.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi approached the park, their steps measured and hesitant. The atmosphere was tense, the weight of the unresolved situation hanging heavily between them. 

As they looked around, they spotted Y/n sitting on a bench, her smile strained but polite, a feeble attempt to mask the tension.

Y/n's voice trembled slightly as she greeted them. "Hello, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi. Thank you for meeting me."

Tsukishima nodded curtly, his expression guarded. "Get to the point. We don't have all day."

Yamaguchi, ever empathetic, softened his gaze. "Hi Y/n."

This was going to be a long but much needed talk. Hopefully Tsukki would listen.

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