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Another day at the gym, and the familiar tension between the team and Tsukishima and Yamaguchi was palpable. It was as if a rift had formed, casting a shadow over our once-united team dynamic. The strain on our collective spirit was undeniable, but what troubled me the most was that they seemed oblivious to the effect they were having on us.

During every break, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi would huddle together, their voices low, their heads close, as if sharing some secretive conversation that was hidden from the rest of us. I couldn't help but wonder what they were discussing, what could be so important that it required their constant whispering and plotting.

What made matters worse was the fact that her name, Y/n's name, would occasionally surface in their discussions. It was a dagger to my heart every time I heard it. I couldn't fathom why they would be so engrossed in conversations about her. The mere thought of it made me sick to my stomach.

My mind was consumed by questions. Why were they talking about her? What could be so important that they had to huddle together like conspirators? And why did her name keep coming up in their conversations? The doubts and suspicions grew like a storm within me, casting a shadow over my trust in my friends.

As practice continued, the unease that had settled in the gym felt like a thick fog, obscuring the once-clear path we had shared as a team. It was disheartening to witness the division, the isolation of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi from the rest of us, as they seemed locked in their own world.

My mind was a tumultuous storm, swirling with emotions that I couldn't make sense of. As I thought back to the photos and videos of Y/n, the who had once held my heart, a wave of bitterness and hurt washed over me. The betrayal cut deep, leaving scars that seemed impossible to heal. How could someone I had cared for so deeply resort to such cruelty?

But then, another thought invaded my mind, darker and more sinister. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's newfound interest in Y/n gnawed at my thoughts like a relentless predator. Were they... no, it couldn't be. The idea seemed ludicrously impossible, and yet the doubt lingered, poisoning my mind.

'Were they pursuing her now because they were... interested?'

The mere thought sent a surge of anger and disgust coursing through my veins. It was an accusation too vile to entertain, and yet the question refused to leave my mind.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the disturbing thoughts that threatened to consume me. I wanted to believe in my friends, in the camaraderie we shared on the volleyball court, but the doubt lingered like a shadow, tainting the once-solid foundation of trust.

As I grappled with my own insecurities and the harsh reality of Y/n's betrayal, I couldn't help but question the intentions of those around me. The fear of being deceived again, of being left vulnerable once more, clouded my judgment and fueled the storm of doubt that raged within me. And so I aproached them.

"Why are you both so eager to help Y/n? Don't you remember what she did to me?" I demanded, my frustration boiling over at this point.

Tsukishima and Yamaguchi exchanged looks that I didn't understand. Tsukishima took a deep breath.

"We're not excusing her actions, Tanaka. But there's more to this story, and we believe she deserves a fair chance to clear her name. We're just trying to uncover the truth."

Yamaguchi added, "It's not about betrayal; it's about seeking justice. Y/n is our friend, too, and we want to help her."

I stormed out of the gym, my heart pounding with anger and betrayal. How could Tsukishima and Yamaguchi defend her? Didn't they understand what she had done to me? I didn't want to believe their words about Y/n likely being innocent. The pain of her betrayal still gnawed at my insides, making it hard to trust anyone.

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