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Ryuu's POV (a bit of a filler chap. Shiz gets interesting in the next one!)

After giving me a ride to meet with the guys at the roller rink, I watched as Y/n's bike sped away, possibly back to her place or mine. Noya and  Atsumu were the first to greet me, each pulling me into a 'bro hug' as the others soon followed suit.

"Glad you made it. I almost started a bet you'd forget us to make kissy faces at my cousin."

"Oh, Y/n. Forget the guys. We should just stay home and make out forever." Noya and Tsumu then proceeded to 'passionately' hug each other, making kissing faces at one another.

"DUDE!" The other guys laughed at my obviously flustered state. These comments weren't out of the ordinary ever since I'd met Y/n's cousins. The two would constantly tease us, warning us to 'keep it clean' or 'wrap it up' on occasion despite us only hugging most of the time.

"Anyway, you ready to skate? I bet I can do more tricks than all of you!"

"You're on, dude!"

"AS IF!"

The lot of us walked into the rink, quickly renting a few pairs of skates before making our way onto the ice. 

Let's just say...we should really just stick to volleyball.



"You guys hear something?"


"What if I just sliced my hand off with the blade?" We turned to stare at Suna after that comment. "What? I'm just asking."

"You guys suck at skating." A shaking Nishinoya smiled smugly despite the fact that he was crouched to the floor the entire time.



"FOR 15 MINUTES!?!?"

"ARAN! HOW ARE YOU SKATING SO WELL?" There was no answer, however, as Aran had passed out upright and with his eyes open whilst somehow skating at an experienced level.

After all of the falling, bruising and screaming, all in all, we had fun. Hours passed by until it was time for the Skating Centre to close for the night.

"You lot really brightened the place up today. You should come more often." A kind, older-looking guy wearing janitorial overalls smiled at us warmly. "Haven't had this many young faces in here in quite a while."

"I didn't even know this place existed until Tanaka invited us. It was really cool." Daichi spoke up, a few others agreeing.

"Exactly! I didn't even know we had a skating rink around here and I've lived here my entire life. This place is way too underrated."

It seemed we were all in agreement with this statement, as claims to come back were made. More than likely with more people. The, assumed, janitor, only continued to smile warmly at us, though I'm sure I heard him mention something about 'youngins.'

"You guys up for some food?"

"I know a good fast food joint 2 blocks over."

"Anyone wanna volunteer to pay? I blew my allowance this week."

"Same. The last of my cash went towards renting my skates."

"Yeah I'll pay. I've got Tsumu's wallet after all."

"Yeah Samu's pay- WAIT WHAT!?!?"

The group followed Aran as he led us to the place he recommended. 

"Karasuno. What's your next match?" Kita piped up curiously.

"I think we've got a practice with Nekoma again then a match against Bokuto's team." Daichi answered, Suga nodding his head in affirmation.

"We should set up a match then sometime. I don't think you guys have ever practiced with us at Inarizaki."

"Oh yeah definitely! I'll have our teacher contact you guys when we're free." 

Soon enough, the group approached a cozy looking restaurant, the words 'The Eat Spot' in bright white lighting. 

A lady guided us over to three tables that sat closely to each other so we could all be seated nearby.

"Everyone know what they're getting?"

"They got meat buns?"

"This aint Ukai's shop man...OH THEY DO!"

"I'll get some fries. And no, I'm not sharing with you Suna. get your own."

"Fine. Don't ask me for my gummies at practice tomorrow."

"Suna. My bestie? The love of my life?"

"Yall hear something?"

The same lady that escorted us to a tables soon made her way over to us, a pad and pencil within her grasp as she stood waiting for our orders.

"What can I get for you gentlemen tonight?"

Table by table we all gave her our orders, watching as she walked away before moving into more light conversation.

"Other than lover boy over there," Atsumu pointed at me causing snickers all around, "any of you guys have a little special someone out there?"

"I do." Ren raised his hand, his usual stoic expression now relaxed into a soft smile.

"Oh you mean Nakia? How is she?"

"She's good. She'll stop by practice next week."

"Nice. Anyone else?"

"Oh well..." Suga began, though he stopped suddenly.

"Me and Suga are dating."







"Hey I just clogged one of the toilets, think they'll get mad if I go tell em? Huh? What's going on?"


Suga looked away, a small blush on his face as Daichi only flusterdly scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, congrats to both of you. I wonder when I'll find true love."

"Ask Omi out already."

"WHAT!?" Atsumu's face flushed red at his twin's statement. "I DON'T LIKE HIM!"

"Uhuh. Tell that to the pilllow you named after him that you kiss goodnight every night before you sleep."

"Some things are meant to private, Samu. Like YOUR crush on two certain Fukurodani members named A-" A slapping sound resounded throughout the restaurant as Osamu's hand was harshly slapped over his twin's loud mouth.

"Shut up or I'll burn the pillow!"


These guys are great.

"Tanaka-kun. Your birthday is soon right. Anygift you want in mind?" One of the Inarizaki members asked me.

"Oh uh... haven't really thought about anything yet. Maybe a few games or something for my console."

"Didn't you want to travel at some point? Y/n's off from school for a bit and we'll get a two month break after the game next month."

"Oh yeah she'd definitely be down for something like that!"

"I don't know. I'll think about it."

Today was awesome, though, I really wish Y/n couldv've come too.

A/N - Yes hi I said Monday but this is just a really quick filler-ish thingy. The next chap will be Monday and it's a bit of a doozy hehehe...

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