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After that beach incident and the meeting with the board of education, Y/n was given her rightful placement of 1st in Fukurodani Academy's placement exam and the 3rd years were now free from high school and on their way to college. Our main character has decided to take a sabbatical year from academics and is now spending the majority of her time with her 2nd-year boyfriend and his team.

Right now, the team was preparing themselves to play against a team our protagonist was quite familiar with due to her cousins being on it. As she sat in the Karasuno gym bleachers watching them practice, her phone went off with a familiar custom ringtone that could only be for one person.

'Speak of the devils.'

"N/NNNN!!" The familiar voice of the blonde twin rang out loudly causing her to cringe, pulling her phone from her ear which was now ringing.

"Idiot! There's no reason to yell! It's a PHONE Tsumu."

"But I miss you! It's been forever since we've talked."

"That's bullshit and you know it. I saw both of you two days ago for my Dad's birthday."

"Yeah, but it wasn't just US. You know? It was us but with our parents and your dad's friends."

"Fair enough. What's up?"

"You wanna meet me, Samu, and Suna so we can go hang out? Dinner is on me cuz of a bet I lost with a few of the guys."

"I wouldn't mind. Can I bring someone?"


"My boyfriend?"


"Oh shut up. I'm older than you."

"Oh...right. Yeah, you can bring him."

"Nice. Where are we meeting up?"

"We're in Miyagi prefecture so that café you like so much."

"Okay. Later Beeboy."

"Later (dumb nickname)

After that call, she signalled Ryu, who wasn't doing anything at the moment, to walk over for a quick second. Seeing her, he quickly told Suga where he was off to and made his way over.

"Is something wrong? You need to leave?"

"No no nothing like that. My cousins invited me to our café to hang out so I asked if you could come. It'd be nice for you to meet them. Plus I'm pretty sure they play volleyball as well."

"Oh definitely. We can go right after practice?"

"Sure. Now get back out there cutie." No matter how long they'd been together or how many times she'd called him that, he'd always found himself weak in the knees after hearing it. So, with a goofy smile on his face, he made his way back onto the court where he received smug faces from his friends.

"Boy, you've got it bad huh?" Laughs rang out through the gym, the h/c haired girl shaking her head with a smile.

After practice, the two bid the team farewell and hopped onto the familiar Harley before speeding off to the café they'd grown to visit often. Y/n soon spotted 3 familiar faces sitting at one of the outdoor tables and it seemed they spotted her right back as the blonde quickly stood up and rushed over in her direction.


"Hello, Tsumu." She got off the bike and was quickly engulfed in a hug that nearly cut her air supply. "Oi, you're killing me here!"

"Idiot Tsumu. Let the rest of us see her!" Osamu all but flung his brother off of their older cousin and proceeded to hug her normally. She didn't receive a hug from the quiet Suna but instead got a nod of acknowledgment. Nothing unusual. The five then sat down at the table and dove into conversation.

"What brings you three to Miyagi? Got a practice game around here?"

"Yeah with Seijoh. You wanna come to watch it? It's tomorrow." The waiter came by and collected their orders before walking off again to prepare them.

"Tomorrow? Ryu do you guys have anything scheduled for tomorrow."

"Nah our thing against Nekoma isn't until next week."

"Then I guess I can make it."

"Right. I'm guessing this guy here is the boyfriend you mentioned earlier?" Atsumu glanced over at the younger male in an almost flaring manner. "What makes you think you're good enough to date our N/n, huh?" Before Ryu could answer, Y/n sent a warning glare to her cousin.

"Be quiet or you'll regret it Atsumu. Either way, I'm the one who started flirting with him first."

"But N/nnn!" He whined with an unnecessarily high-pitched voice. "You're gonna end up spending all your time with him and we're never gonna get to see you again!"

"Then come to my house more often than holidays and birthdays."

"We've got games."

"Invite me to them."

"Well....well...yeah I got nothing."

"Exactly. Now shut up our food is here."

"Why are you always so mean to me but super nice to Samu."

"He's the better twin." Suna's answer came at the same time as yours causing the table to erupt with laughter at Tsumu's pouting face.

The evening passed by in a flash. The three got along quite well with Ryuu in the end, mostly due to their common interests. He and Osamu are both being wing spikers with blonde siblings, volleyball on a whole, their mutual love for Y/n, despite one being in a more romantic sense. Yes, a new 4-way friendship was born that day.

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