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A/N: This chapter is really just a v ball chapter.

Tanaka's POV

It was now time for the match against Dateko. We were in our team huddle as Ukai spoke to us.

"Gauging from their first match, they'll most likely start off with a powerful serve. The serve breaks your formation, then they block your return. Their strategy is to attack those who cant keep up. So for the first serve, make sure your receive is solid."


"You know what to do, right Kageyama?"


"Alright. Now go break down that iron wall!"


"KARASUNO. FIGHT!" Daichi called out.


The game began, first serve made by Dateko and received by Daichi. Kageyama made a back toss intended for Hinata when suddenly blockers were somehow already in front of him. Luckily he managed to make it land in their court despite hitting the blockers hands.

"Good spike Hinata."

The match carried on until the ball was set to me. I got the same experience as Hinata as blockers appeared in front of me, successfully blocking the spike. However, the referee called it in our favor due to the big guy touching the net.

The game continued back and forth. Every time Karasuno scored a point or two, Dateko wasn't far behind, quickly racking in points of their own. Kageyama pulled Hinata to the side for a bit which alerted all of us what was going to happen.

The next serve happened until the ball got to Kageyama. Before the set, Hinata had already jumped. This was it. The second the ball left Kageyama's hand at it's lightning speed, Hinata had already spiked it down into the other side of the court. That was their Monster Quick as it had been named by others.

Silence rang through the gym again. No one could believe what they'd just seen besides the ones who'd already seen it. Suddenly screams were ringing throughout the gym. Shouts of 'What was that?' carried out everywhere. The Dateko members were especially confused, their coach having a worried yet doubtful expression, no doubt questioning whether it had been out of pure luck.

Our back and forth continued on, neither side letting up. The team was now focusing more of their attention on Hinata. Sadly for them, this is exactly what we wanted. Using a pipe we'd learned from training with Nekoma, Hinata was able to successfully act as a decoy, allowing Asahi to score.

After a long battle, we were finally able to take the first set.

"We're going to be using our second formation for this set. Our first had Hinata matching up with that #7 who is honestly our biggest worry. So this time we'll be moving in a way where Hinata won't be targeted as much. But don't forget. All we're doing is moving players. Meaning others are going to get targeted. Stay on your toes."

"Yes sir!" The second set started(alliteration) as I made the first serve.

"Nice serve Tanaka."

Spike after spike took place. The monster quick unsettled them a bit allowing both Asahi and I to score against them. Their coach took that time to call a time out. We were now ahead by 2 which was good. I took the time to look over to Y/n who I found was staring at me intensely. This shocked me for a bit but I quickly smiled up at her.

What I didn't expect was that I got no smile in return and instead found her eyes drifting somewhere. Following them, I caught sight of none other than number 7 who seemed to be boring holes into Hinata's skull.

'Is she worried then? Y/n's never wrong so I should stay on my guard.' I nodded reassuringly in response earning me a smile from my adorable senpai. If I wasn't in a match I would have died happily on the spot.

The game resumed with Tsukkishima at the front. He was our best middle blocker so it made sense for this formation. He and Asahi managed to block #7's spike easily gaining us a point.

"Good job Tsukki!"

"Nice block."

Kageyama and Hinata performed a quick scoring a point and, in response, Dateko scored a point as well. Another back and forth set this was going to be. Things were getting heated as we were now one point away from match point. The ball was tossed and Hinata just barely managed to get it between the net and 7's hands. However, one more point and the game was ours.

They were now at 22 while we remained at match point. One more. Just one more. Asahi spiked only to be blocked. The ball was headed to our uncovered rear before luckily being saved by Noya.


"Nice save Noya-san!"

"TOSS TO ME AGAIN!" Asahi called out and Kageyama did so. Once again, he was blocked. Noya showed his skill once more and managed to receive the ball with his foot.




"YES." Kageyama got under the ball, ready to receive when suddenly Suga called out.

"One more. ONE MORE!" Suga shouted out from where he stood off court.

"I won't stop til I score!" Asahi signaled Kageyama to toss to him again.

And so he did.

Asahi raced up to spike the ball, Date Tech's blockers ready in wait.

"Go, Asahi." Suga.

"Blast through Asahi." Daichi.




He jumped, arm swinging back then forward with intense power, until it finally made contact with the ball....and broke through. The ball landed on the net, teetering for a bit before falling into their court. He'd done it. Finally we'd scored the last point, claiming this match.


"WE DID IT!" We rejoiced a having one not just any match, but a match against the impenetrable defense of Date Tech.

"Thank you very much." We went to the net to shake the hands of the other team. We were now together as Hinata complimented how awesome Asahi looked out there.

"I'm the ace, but you guys are heroes." I couldn't help the smile on my face at his words.

"Heroes huh?" Hinata's face was full of joy at being called a hero.

"I like that." Noya added.

We lined up facing the crowd at our banner. My eyes immediately caught Y/n who was smiling with so much pride directed at me. 'Good job.' Her lips moved to form those words and my heart swelled with love and joy. We all bowed to them with a 'thank you' before heading out.

As we were leaving, the sound of cheering fangirls caught our attention as we looked to see Oikawa ready to serve. Looking over at the scoreboard, it was now the 1st set with the score at 14-23 in Seijoh's favor.

"It's Aoba Johsai's....first match." Suga and Daichi spoke up as we all looked at the pretty boy setter.

"Who will devour the kind and the dark horse?" Oikawa began speaking, a smile on his face. He bounced the ball then held it in his hand "Who will devour them all and go to nationals?"

He clutched the ball between both palms.

"We will."

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