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A/N: This one and the next are gonna be a bit short. Bear with me puhlease<3

I couldn't find the strength to leave my position form their porch. There was a thought that crossed my mind. The thought to just sit there and wait for him, to try and explain my side of it all. But I knew better. Sae- his sister would more than likely warn him of my clearly unwanted presence.

My phone rang, the cheery tune of 'Crossing Fields'(A/N- I love SAO, shushXD) a stark contrast to my current mood. Despite my brain knowing better, my heart gave me hope that it was him. Maybe he wanted to talk, to hear me out. But I of course that wsn't it. It was Aakashi who had previously called 4 times. I swipped answering the call.


"Kashi... I'm... why is this happening?" I chocked on the sob that did everything in its power to clog my throat. The tears wouldn't stop not that I was even trying to rid my face of them. I felt utterly defeated.

"Oh senpai. I'll come get you. Where are you?"

"Is that Y/n? Where is she?!" Bokuto's voice cut in from the background soon followed by familiar voices of the Fukurodani team.

"I'm here... his house." Silence before finally someone spoke.

"We're coming. It'll be okay. We'll get to bottom of this, I swear it."

Surely enough, a familiar silver sports car pulled up, the owl bobble head on the dashboard signalling exactly who I thought it was. Still, though, I didn't move. I felt as hands gently grasped my arms, one hooking around my waist to stabilise me while another just laid comfortingly on the small of my back.

I felt drained. I couldn't hear anything but muffled sounds from the people around me. My head stayed down as I stared at my feet, wallowing in my saddness.

The image of that man flashed to mind but quicky disappeared as a fleeting thought. There was no doubt that he had some part to play in all of this. But I didn't know him so how did he know me? What could I have done to motivate him to do something as... as drastic as this?

I didn't notice when the vehicle stopped, or when the familiar hands of my friends ntook their holds to steady me as they walked me inside. 

Maybe I DID have to many male friends... so was this my fault then?

I didn't notice my mother's concerned yet confues face or my father's angered expression as the boys explained then situation to them.

I coudn't remember what took place between the time I answered that call to me sitting in the darkness of my room. Or, well, not clearly at least. My mind was fogged over with only one thought running rampant throughout it. 


And then came the anger. It wasn't like being mad at someone for stepping on your shoes, or even being angry with a teacher for giving you a bad grade. No. This was pure unbridled rage. Towards whoever that man was, towards whoever sent out those photos, towards my classmates, towards Saeko... towards Ryuu. No, it was less anger towards Ryuu, more of a sense of betrayal if anything.

Throughout the time we'd known each other, been together, not once had I given any indication of being unfaithful. No matter what, we'd always been together. He'd met my parents for fuck's sake, none of my exes got THAT kind of priviledge. Yet now... he believes someone else without even asking for an explanation from me.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, cringing back from how awful my reflection looked as she stared back at me. Eyes swollen and bloodshot, tried tear tracks streaking down my cheeks with... WAS THAT SNOT!? I booked it to the bathroom to rinse it all away. 

I'd wash it all away here and now. No more of this heartbroken shit. If he didn't think it necessary to talk to me about this before cutting me off, then I see no reason to even bother entertaining the thought of him.

I knew it was a rash decision. I was being influenced by me anger, my pride, but it didn't matter. I grabbed my phone, scrolling until I found those two contacts.


'My Ryuu<3'

'Are you sure you wish to block these contacts?' - Yes

'Are you sure you wish to delete these contacts?' - I paused. Was I sure?




2 contacts deleted.

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