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Yes Yes. I just can't seem to keep to the updating schedule I made for MYSELF. I've been caught up with a few things.

For anyone who cares, I GOT ACCEPTED TO COLLEGE! I'll be going in on August 28th and then starting the first week of September. 

Another thing, I've been caught up in writing my first non-fanfiction book. Yes, a book that's not based on an anime I watched. An original work...well...as original as you think a vampire love story is lmao. If you're curious, look for it. 'Bloody Mistakes' by OminousAnomaly. P.S. It's going to be very GAE so watch out! Or enjoy if you're a fellow fruit!<3

Now, please note that I won't be abandoning this one just because I have other works. Y'all have shown this book so much love I can't even begin thanking you enough. Every day I get a notif and it's a vote, a comment or someone adding to their reading lists. THEIR READING LISTS!! THAT'S HUGE!!

Anywhoozles, now that I've finished my ramblings, that's it for this note. I'm going to write a few chapters for this and update them at LEAST once a week once I've done at least 7. I hate leaving yall on a cliffhanger and I know where I want things to go. Don't worry. You'll get your action soonnn.


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