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Y/n's POV

There was now a week until Karasuno had to face off against Aoba Johsai in the 3rd round of the Interhigh so I had a little time to spend with Ryuu between practices. Of course though, I also supported the team whenever I could whether it was by buying them food or drinks or encouraging them as much as I could.

"Hey Y/n you wanna go to karaoke with us today? The class is going." Three girls from my class who I knew quite well approached me with this question. The one to ask being Julia Strauss an intelligent girl who always seemed to gain the interest of guys.

"Yeah we barely ever see you anymore. You're always rushing out right after school." Emilia Stein. Now she was also smart but had what seemed to be an insatiable hunger. Apparently that's a turn off for some guys. But yes. I've been spending so much time with Ryuu and his team, I don't think I've gone out with my friends from school in months.

"Ah I don't know girls. I need to make a call first."

"It's fine Y/n. Let us know if you change your mind then." Diane Flare. I'd say she's the female heart throb of the school. She had an air of elegance around her that others just couldn't miss. The 3 of them walked off towards the school entrance probably on their way to the karaoke place. I honestly felt a little bad but they would understand right? I just wanted to be there for Ryuu. I pulled out my phone and opened his contact before hitting the call button.

'Ring Ring Ri-'

"Hey senpai. What's up?"

"I'm okay cutie. I just wanted to tell you a few of my friends offered to go karaoke with the class. Is it alright if I miss practice today?"

"Oh yeah yeah that's fine babe. You should have fun with your friends. You've been spending all your time here so go have some fun."

"I promise I'll stop by your house tonight okay?"

"I'll hold you to that promise."

"Haha bye bye cutie. Love ya!"

"Love you too. Bye!" And the call ended. I quickly walked to the entrance to find the girls still there so I informed them I could go. They squealed excitedly and we raced off to the karaoke bar to meet with everyone else.

~At Karaoke~

During the entire time I couldn't help but miss Ryuu. I tried my best not to show it by plastering my happiest smile and singing along to whatever songs popped up as long as I knew them.

"We haven't spent time like this in ages. What's had you so busy Y/n?" One of my classmates sat beside me after singing. Everyone had been talking about whatever until she asked that. A few were also curious and turned to us while others didn't care and minded their own business.

"Oh I've been just spending more time with my boyfriend."





"HOW LONG!?" Question after question came flying at me until I couldn't keep up.

"Hey hey relax! I'll answer what I can."

"What's his name?" Julia spoke up. The girls had stars in their eyes while waiting for my response as the boys remained indifferent. I saw dejected faces within the crowd. Oh...crushes....yikes.

"Ryuunosuke Tanaka."

"Doesn't sound like someone I know. Does he go to another school?"

"Yeah Karasuno. He plays volleyball there."

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