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No one's POV

Several days, about 4 maybe, passed since that incident. Word of the photos/videos continued to circulate causing gossip about her to spark wherever Y/n walked. But, oddly enough, she didn't seem to care. She only smiled at those who casted disgusted looks towards her in the hallway, waved off catcalls of guys who asked if she would 'come after them next.' 

"Y/n, we still down for games at yours? And tell Astumu he's not allowed to take the blue controller. I called dibs since Tuesday!" Bakuto practically yelled despite her being right next to him. She only laughed, nodding in affirmation before they split off to their respective classes.

Her closest friends took notice of her current attitude, constantly finding reasons to be around her. Monday it was watching their vball practice against Seijoh, Tuesday was a sleepover they invited themselves to, hell, just yesterday she'd found herself in the mall with her cousins and their team. Of course, she knew what they were doing and she was beyond grateful for it.

As classes droned on, she wasn't exactly zoned out but the words being spoken weren't sticking. Like they went in one ear, knocked around in her head a bit then flew right out the other ear. This was new. Then again, the fleeting looks being casted her way were also new. This situation was new.

She was the first out the door once that bell rang, a quick pace set in her walk to the gym. A few people eyed her, no doubt thinking what everyone else was. 

'Off to see the boys, of course.'

'I wonder which one is next.'

But she wouldn't give in to their taunts, she wouldn't crack under the pressure of their gaze nor would she fold from the sting of their words. They could all quite literally go fuck themselves for all she cared.

The doors to the gym swung open as she entered, met with 3 or 4 members of the team along with their coach.

"Hi everyone."

"Oh, hey Y/n. Heading home with Bokuto again?" The question wasn't asked maliciously and she was glad for that. All the members of the team knew her friendship with Bokuto was absolutely platonic. They were just... close friends. Really close. Like siblings even.

"Yep." Turning to coach she asked, "Is it alri-"

"Y/n, you know quite well by now that no, I do not mind at all if my favourite student sits in during practice." He smiled warmly, mischief in his eyes at his wods.


"Coach that ain't fair!!"


Rowdy as ever, they argued playfully as the female laughed at their antics, happy to be surrounded by such kind people at this time. 

Until she was pushed to the floor when Bokuto all but ran into her, knocking them both over.


"Y-You're crushing meee!"

"Oh shit sorry!" He scrambled to get up, quickly reaching his hand down to help her up as well. The two dusted themselves off, quite aware of the laughter that rang through the gym at their little display.

"Can't you greet me in a way that WON'T crush my ribcage?"



"HEY COACH!" He walked away to discuss something with their coach leaving Y/n with wide eyes and jaw dropped to the floor.


She took a seat on one of the benches where she usually was during this time, watching as the team practiced.

Aakashi, who hadn't gotten the time to talk to her because of Bokuto's hogging, looked over with a small wave which she immediately returned.

Timeskip!! TO THE HOUSE OF L/N!

The friend group of 8, Y/n, Bokuto, Aakashi, Kuuro, Kenma, Atsumu, Osamu and Suna were now seated within the gaming room of the L/n household. Usually Y/n wasn't one to use this room but after learning there was a gaming room, Kenma all but begged her to let them use it. So it was agreed that every Thursday, like today, would be a gaming day.

Of course a fight broke out between Atsumu and Bokuto for that damn blue controller until Suna just took it for himself, leaving the two to sulk in a corner side by side. They went through a series of games ranging from racing in Mario Kart, shooting each other in Apex Legends or even fighting in Smash Bros.

Needless to say, Kenma wipped the fucking floor with all of them. No, really, he demolished them. There was never a chance of survivial the way he pummeled them all. The boy was a damn God when it came to games while they laid before him as puny mortals. Absolute fools they were to think they could beat him. I mean, how was he almost a full 3 minuted ahead of them in Mario Kart!? Is that even POSSIBLE!!?

"Kenma... I think you needa sit one out."

"Yeah dude, please. My diginity is crumbling right now!"

"You have diginity in the first place?"


"Y/n you got food in this place?"

At the word 'food' all 7 heads shot up to look at the owner of the house. Y/n laughed at them before heading to the door where an intercom was. Pressing the button, she spoke into the mic.

"Hello. Can someone please bring up snacks to the game room? Enough for 8 please and thank you." Releasing the button, she went back to her seat as the others, minus her cousins, only looked at her. 

"Rich people shit."

The food arrived in less than 5 minutes and was gone in about the same amount of time. Gluttons the lot of them. All in all, it was decided that they would sleep here seeing as it was much too dark for anyone to be out. They each received a room to stay in, though they paid no mind to that and shuttled their things into Y/n's room. 

So that's where we are now, with all 8 of them laid out across blankets and pillows across the floor, 7 fast asleep as one stared up at the ceiling.

Although this had been lovely, it wasn't going to stop her mind from wandering to the person she least yet most wanted to think about right now. She wondered how he was, how to team was. Since the incident, she hadn't spoken to any of them nor had they tried to reach out to her. A single tear escaped the corner of her eye as they closed, mind succumbing to the realm of the unconcious.

Sorrows sorrows. 

Haven't written a certain someone's POV in a while. I wonder if it'll pop up next chapter... hm.

My Delinquent Tanaka x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon