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Everyone was now seated within the two vehicles that transported them to the nearest beach in the prefecture.

"I haven't been to the beach or even a pool in ages. I wonder if I can still swim." Suga joked gaining laughter from everyone in the car. The first car held Suga, Yachi and Kiyoko in the back, Ennoshita, Kinnoshita and Narita in the middle and Daichi sat in the front passenger with the driver. The second car held Tsuki, Yamaguchi and Kageyama at the back, Noya, Hinata and Tanaka in the middle and Y/n at up front with the driver. Takada informed them beforehand that he would be driving himself and Ukai there.

"I brought a bunch of food and snacks we could have. Pretty sure coach is bringing meat to have a barbecue. No doubt those guys in the other car will be excited about that." Daichi called out earning hums of agreement.

The two cars soon pulled int the parking lot, allowing the members to exit. It was clear that they weren't the only ones who decided to go to the beach as there were quite a few other people here. Even Nekoma.

"You guys stalking us or something man?" Kuroo slung his arm across Tsukishima's shoulders, the first year growing annoyed with this behaviour. Luckily a shorter blonde stepped in, attention on his game but reaching far enough to pull his older friend off the first year.

"Stop harassing people or they'll call the police on you."

"WHAA?? Tsuki would never call the-"

"I would." Came the dry answer before Tsuki moved away to stand near Yamaguchi. Y/n looked at them and was able to catch a glimpse of the two locking their pinkies behind their backs. She smiled evilly, now understanding what was their relationship.

'Aww look how cute. Can't say I didn't see it coming though. Should I ask or wait for them to reveal? then again. knowing Tsukishima they might not reveal it all without being given a real reason to. Hmm'

"What's got you so deep in thought N/n-san?" The hyperactive first year approached, curiosity written on his face with a smile.

'That smile could combat the sun. You're burning my eyes here kid!!'

"Oh hello Hinata. I was um just planning what I should do first. Haven't been to the beach in a while." He shook his head wildly in an affirmative motion. 

'His head's gonna fall off if he keeps nodding so hard! Jesus!'

"I haven't been to the beach before. Well maybe once but that was ages ago before Natsu was even born."

"Natsu? Your sibling?"

"Yeah she's my younger sister. Anyways, I don't even know how to swim!" I then noticed the inflatable arm floaties around his biceps.

'He's sure to be mistaken for a child all day with those combined with his height.' She chuckled softly.

"How's about I give you a little crash course in swimming so you'll know some basics? I wouldn't want you to drown so I definitely don't mind."


"I know we're outside but lower your voice Hinata!"

"Call me Shoyo! I call you by your first name so call me by mine. Gimme a nickname so we can match!"

"How about Sho-chan?"

"YEAH!" The two bonded for quite a while, the older keeping her word, taught him the basics of swimming. 

"I'm feeling kinda hungry. You guys too?" Shoyo nodded along with Kageyama, Tadashi, Noya and Tanaka who had joined them earlier on. The 5 of them made their way to where the majority of their group situated themselves near a barbeque grill that was indeed brought along by Takeda sensei. Unfortunately, a small problem arose as they were just a few meters away.

"Hey girlie!" Y/n looked to the right to see a group of males in swim trunks gazing at her with disgustingly perverted expressions. She could all but feel their eyes raking across her body with lustful thoughts.

'Can't I catch a fucking break just ONCE!?'

"Not gonna answer? That's pretty rude sweetheart."

"Hello but can you not call me that? Thanks." She signaled the others to continue walking but instead was blocked by the one who spoke earlier. Probably the leader. The 4 boys were barricaded in by the a few of the other goons in order to stop them from coming to my rescue. 

'That's fine. It'd be kinda weird to be saved by my kohais.'

"So, sweetheart. What brings you here today?" His face curled into a greasy smirk, looming over her body in an attempt to be intimidating. It came off more as desperate, not that she'd say that out loud.

"I'm with my boyfriend and his team." Her eyes drifted to where the rest of the group was, eyes locking with Kiyoko's who immediately jumped up to inform Ukai.

'Bless you soul Shimizu.'

"Oh yeah? Boyfriend huh? Which one of those losers is it? Carrot top? Or maybe freckles over there? Oh nah it's definitely buzzcut boy there right? How's about this sweet-cheeks. You can ditch these losers and hang out with me and my gang and maybe we'll let your little friends over there go free."

"What do you plan on doing with me, mister?" The girl tilted her head to the side innocently, 'unconsciously' using her biceps to make her chest pop more from the bikini top. This distraction obviously worked as he only grinned wider, not at all noticing the crunching of sand approaching him from behind.

Within seconds, he was pinned below one of the drivers that accompanied the Karasuno group, the other on the phone with what sounded like the police. The goons saw their leader pinned below the older male, deciding that running would be the next best option. A few managed to get away but the majority was caught by either Karasuno or Nekoma students and were passed over to the officers who arrived 5 minutes later.

"Why does this always happen to me huh?" She leaned onto her shorter boyfriend, dramatically sighing in defeat. He chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and nuzzling into the side of her neck.

"It's cause you're too good to resist obviously. Everyone wants a piece of my amazingly gorgeous senpai. You're enchanting men, women, genderfluids and enbys left and right babe. So many of em are after you it's like I gotta beat them offa you." The girl rolled her eyes sarcastically, letting out a small giggle at her boyfriend's words of encouragement.

"You're such a dork."

"Yeah but I'm your dork." She turned her head, lacing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Yep. My  sweet little dork. My delinquent."


LMAO jkjk. I'd never stop a book at 17 chapters. I'm doing this shit till we reach at LEAST 50.

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