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(These next two chapters are volleyball chapters. Let it be made clear that I will be skipping parts in order to keep it to the point. Also because I don't know how to write these kinds of scenes. How does one write volleyball?? Anywhoozles, chapter 13 and so forth will have more fluffy stuff)

Y/n's POV

"So you're saying an entire group of students from Fukurodani Academy is coming to our game JUST to see if you actually have a boyfriend because ONE girl and her...minions? don't believe you?"

"Well it's less that they don't believe me and more that they just want to ruin my image."

"Right, because of your parents. Well, you have nothing to worry about. Hell, I'll steal a mic and announce it to the entire gym that you're my girlfriend." I laughed at this, a snort escaping as well. "What? I totally will. Then I'll do like in a movie scene and walk up to you in the crowd and dip you into a kiss. Then everyone will applaud and we live happily ever after."

"You really like those cheesy romance stories huh Ryuu? Sure. You do that."

"Heck yeah I will." For context, today is the the day Erica and the rest of my classmates from school were coming to see Karasuno's match vs Seijoh and, of course, whether or not I was being honest about dating Ryuu. Why the fuck would I lie though? Think about that.

"See anyone you recognize yet?" His arm was around my shoulder looking around. I followed suit, glancing around the gym that was now bustling with many different onlookers. I caught sight of quite a few people actually and pointed them out to Ryuu. One of them, I recognized, was Milan who happened to glance over in our direction to see me pointing up at them. She alerted a few of the others who also turned to see us.

"Them? Oh I think they caught you pointing at them." He chuckled, pulling me closer. I realized he was trying to show them that we truly were together, sending them a wave. A few of them waved back then turned to chat to one another.

"You think they believe you now?"

"These few? Yeah. It's Erica and her gang who'll stop at nothing to ruin me."

"I wish I could have you sit with Kiyoko so you won't have to deal with them up in the stands. Be careful up there alright?" He pecked my lips softly, then began peppering my cheeks with more. The ticklish feeling causing me to laugh and try to push him away playfully.

"Hey Tanaka-san. Stop smooching with N/n and get over here for warmups." Tsuki called out, lifting a hand to wave at me. I smiled back at the tall megane who I'd grown to be good friends with during my time spent at their practices. He isn't as mean as you'd think once you get to know him.

"I'll see you after the match as always. I love you. Stay safe."

"I will. I love you too." He walked away, turning back ever few steps to look at me with an adorable pout that caused me to laugh every single time. Once he was out of sight, I made my way to where I'd seen my class sitting.

"Y/N! That was him right? Your boyfriend?" Milan wasted no time asking that the minute I was within earshot. I felt my face getting hot as all of their knowing stares landed on me, a few smirks cast my way.

"Yeah that's Ryuu. C-can we just watch the game and NOT make it "tease Y/n day" today. Please." A few snickers were heard but, thankfully, everyone silently agreed.

"OH THE MATCH IS STARTING!" Whoever shouted that gained all of our attention as we all looked over to see Karasuno and Aoba Johsai had taken their positions on either side of the court.

Seijoh was the first to serve due to winning the coin toss. Oikawa's serve was, thankfully, received by Daichi, although it traveled a bit too far over the net. Kindaichi attempted to land it in Karasuno's court but it was stopped by Kageyama. Then, the most unbelievable thing happened. Noya leapt up from behind the line just under the ball and set it allowing Asahi to gain their first point.


"Nice serve." Tsuki gave a thumbs up.

"Why do you two look the most surprised!?" Suga called out after seeing Noya and Asahi all smiles and jaws to the floor in disbelief and joy. The crowd was roaring. Karasuno had won the first point of the game, against Seijoh no less.

Next was a serve from Kageyama which sadly ended up just outside of Seijoh court costing them that point. The back-and-forth continued for a while with Karasuno keeping their lead as much as me possibly could. At some point, a few Seijoh members had managed to find a way to force Hinata into spiking anyway that suited them but that was short lived after he turned it back on them.

The scores were now 23-22 in Karasuno's favor and it was Oikawa's turn to serve once more. The members in front of him placed their hands behind their heads in fear of receiving one of his demons serves with their skulls.

.... Everything happened so fast that just by blinking, you would have missed it. No sooner had the ball left his hand, had it landed a short ways out of Karasuno's box. The setter raised his hands in frustration with an apology to his team who only told him it was a good try but to do better.

"It's alright guys. That was just a little luck." Daichi called out calmly though he was panicking on the inside.

"WOWOWO I wanna try receiving that!" Noya exclaimed while Hinata trembled in fear of his arms ripping off. Yachi in the stands had the same fear for the boys of her team, her panic very much evident.

Kageyama stepped up to serve once more. This would be his Redemption for that first serve. Despite making it into the box, however, it was received and hit right back up then bye Iwaizumi. The score was now 24-23 in Karasuno's favor at set point.  Daichi tried his best to get her their spirits for one more point.

That's when the whistle blew. Everyone know watched as their number 13 was swapped with 16, a new face the Karasuno members had never seen before. He was a blond with two black lines running through the side of his hair. His face was fixed with a permanent scowl giving off an angry aura.

The game resumed ad Oikawa was to serve again. This serve was much calmer than the previous one though still powerful. It was received by Daichi and quickly set by Kageyama. Tanaka went in for a spike causing it to bounce off the hands of the blockers in front of him, ball now heading into Seijoh's court.

Their libero sent it to Oikawa who set it for who everyone believed to be Kindaichi. That didn't go as planned though. Because, out of nowhere, the new boy ran up pushing Kindaichi out of his way and, with a yell, made a demonic spike that landed before anyone could move.

Things were about to get a whole lot more interesting it seemed.

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