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The party was now in full swing since two had finally arrived.

"Enjoyed yourselves? You're 32 minutes late." M/n stood, hands on her hips, looking at the two teens before her in playful 'anger'.

"Yeah we got a little carried away. Speaking of which. I need to send someone to collect the stuff we won at the booths. We couldn't carry them ourselves so I had the owners put them aside and I'd send someone later."

"I'll do it for you dear. Now go have fun." Pinching her daughter's cheek as well as her, as she calls him, son-in law's, she left them to their shenanigans.

"Tanaka senpai, Y/n-san you're here!" The orange haired ball of energy came bounding towards them, dragging a blonde behind him.

"Oh Kenma you actually came?" The Nekoma setter looked up at her with a small smile before returning his attention to his game. She only laughed and hugged him which he leaned into, familiar with her hugs.

"Is Kuroo her as well then? I know he usually goes wherever you are." 

"Kuroo senpai is over there with Bokuto senpai. They're playing Just Dance but they're both pretty bad at it."

"Bokuto is here? Guys I told you to tell me before you invite anyone.

"Blame Kuroo. That idiot probably invited every school. Sorry Y/n." Kenma looked up at her to show he truly meant his apology.

"It's fine. I'm sure my parents don't mind the extra company. I'm still gonna have a chat with him though. You two have fun." She ruffed the shorter males' heads and made her way over to where a crowd watched the two 3rd years dance terribly.

"You guys seriously suck at this game." Ryuu called out, voices of agreement and laughs rang out.

"Oh yeah? Well he sucks even worse than I do!"

"Yeah right you rooster head loser. I'm the one winning here."

"Stupid owl face you're clearly blind."

"Ladies ladies you're both hideous."

"HEY!" The two chorused and the song finally ended. 

"EAT THAT KUROO! I WIN! YOU SEE THIS AKAASHI?" Akaashi who was standing to the side within the crowd raised a thumb with a deadpanned expression.

"Yep. You were very awesome Bokuto-san." The owl-like preened at the praise, continuing to rub his victory in the sulking Kuroo's face.

"Oh, Y/n you're here!"

"Yeah! And so are a bunch of other people I don't remember inviting." He flinched at her tone of voice, sweat dripping form his brow.

"O-oh uh..."

"Y/N-CHAN!" Bokuto scooped her up in a hug causing her to drop her angry demeanor and hug him back just as tightly.

"BOKUTO-KUN!" She returned his enthusiasm as she always had.

"Akaashi look, Y/n is here!"

"I see her Bokuto-kun. We go to school together as well so I always see her." he stated matter-of-factly. The female only gave a smile towards her underclassman who in turn sent her a small wave of acknowledgement. He'd frequently seen her with Bokuto whenever he visited the 3rd year's classroom so she was no stranger to him. 

 "Y/n! Y/n! How come you didn't invite me to your party? Do you not like me anymore?"

"Of course I still like you Ko. This was just supposed to be a party for the Karasuno team and Hinata wanted to invite Kenma so obviously Kuroo had to come. If it wasn't a party just for them I would've invited you first!" The girl hurriedly spoke in order to avoid the white haired male entering his state now dubbed his 'emo mode'. It seemed to work as his smile was back and he went his merry way.

"Sorry about him Y/n senpai." Akaashi spoke up.

"It's fine Kaashi. And what'd I say about the senpai thing? We're friends so just call me 'Y/n-chan'."

"Right. Sorry Y/n se- Y/n...-chan." She let out a soft chuckle, affectionately ruffling the younger's hair. He in turn went a bright red before turning away and moving elsewhere in order to hide his flustered state.

"N/n you made him all embarrassed." Ryuu wrapped his arm around her waist, her head falling onto his due to their height.


"Nope. I know you only have eyes for me."

"Oh really?" She pulled him in front of her, leaning down slightly to have her face a mere few inches away from his.


"Pfft where'd all that confidence go?" She closed the distance, placing a soft, genuine kiss on his lips. "Don't question whether or not I love you. The answer is always yes."

Nishinoya glance over at the two, a smirk overtaking his features as he snapped a few pictures, sending them to the group chat. However, another individual, lurking in the shadows, used those pictures for an entirely different purpose.

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