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(Quick A/n: Yes a double update since it's really just filler stuff. Next chapter will be up by around 4p.m AST so look out for that. On to our program!)

The referee raised his flag to signal that the ball landed out of bounds meaning Karasuno gained the point and had won the first of three sets.

"Lucky." Suga breathed out, the hint of relief quite evident.

Seijoh talked among themselves, Iwa landing a blow to the newcomers head at his reckless actions and Kindaichi assuring everyone that he was fine.

The second set started, Hinata pointing out that the newcomer was with the starting group this time.

Asahi served first this time but it ended up out of bounds. At this, his face turned a terrifying expression.

"Dammit, sorry!"
"So close. You'll get the next one."
"Don't mind!"
"Your face is scary".

The same happened with Oikawa's serve as it traveled out of bounds. Tsuki's serve hit the net and was almost to the floor but was quickly received by Iwa. Oikawa set towards the blonde who he referred to as 'Maddog-chan. Strange name but Hinata only found it amazing.

And amazing he was as be began running parallel to the net. In an instant, he performed a cut shot that landed in Karasuno's court.

"Maddog is amazing!" Hinata called out, staring intently at the aforementioned boy. The scoreboard now read 2-1 in Seijoh's favour and it was Iwa's turn to serve. It was received by Daichi but was sent into Seijoh's court as a chance ball.

The game continued with Seijoh pulling ahead, their number 16, despite being a bit of a 'double edged sword' scored many points. It was clear that he was one of the main people to look out for throughout the game.

13-11 in Seijoh's favour and Hinata was up to serve. His mind wandered off to the fact that he was now rotated to the back despite not having a done a single spike the entire set. His attention was pulled to Kageyama who signaled something to him and he nodded. His serve was received by Seijoh's libero and spiked by Oikawa. This was received by Tanaka and the spikers began running up for Hinata's back attack. However, it seemed Oikawa had predicted this as it was blocked earning Seijoh yet another point.

The whistle blew some time later as Karasuno's 2 swapped in with 11. Suga was now on the court for a serve. It was close to the front causing a late reaction from number 16 or Kyotani as his name was revealed to be. A spike from Oikawa that was received by Sugawara and Hinata was able to hit it off the palm of the Seijoh blockers. The Karasuno crowd cheered at the small yet meaningful comeback.

Suga used this strategy causing Kyotani to once again move up to receive the ball. He ang Kageyama switched places allowing him to set the ball and Kageyama to successfully spike it past the net into Seijoh's court. The crowd was wild and so were the Karasuno members as they rejoiced. Finally, they were catching up.

Sadly. after a short timeout, their strategy seemed to fall apart as the Seijoh members caught on. They scored a point resulting in Tsuki and Suga swapping once more. The game carried on with an exchange of points until Karasuno called their first timeout. Once it was over, blows were exchanged once more till the points became 23-19. That was when the whistle blew and a familiar face stepped onto the court

Yamaguchi stepped up to the court, his members welcoming him and wishing him luck with a small chant and pose. The greenette took a breathe before tossing the ball up and hitting it into a jump floater over the net. The other team called it out but were humbled as it landed within bounds. Karasuno cheered at this achievement.

This went on for three more points, though the third caused a bit of worry. Thankfully, Tsuki was able to perform a wipe against the three blockers. With a small smile, he picked up the ball and gently passed it back to Yamaguchi with a soft "One more time." Score now at 23-22, Seijoh called in their timeout to stop the momentum.

Both teams back on the court, Yamaguchi made another serve which hit the net and slowly teetered before falling into Seijoh's court, their libero just out of reach of receiving it. The screams and cheers sounded louder as they tied 23-23.

Another serve by Yamaguchi, though this time it was received and spiked back at Karasuno. Tsuki was able to intercept allowing Tanaka to receive it and Kageyama to set to Asahi. The ball bounced off the hand of a blocker and landed out. Karasuno was, once more, at match point. The next serve however, was not as lucky as the previous 5. The result was a point for Seijoh meaning Hinata was to be swapped back on with Yamaguchi. In the end, Seijoh won the second set and it was now time for the third.

Tension was through the roof for the final set. Both teams pushing to win the final and win the game in order to move on. Asahi was first to serve but the point went Seijoh after an exchange of hands. Things became a little worrying as the scores read 16-16. Hinata had jumped to close to the net and Kageyama, reading this with his prodigy mind, set the ball close to the net for him.

"No one's there! Spike it down!" Oikawa gave a shout for someone to run up front to receive but was too late as the ball slammed down into Seijoh's court. Karasuno now had a one point lead.

Multiple long rounds of exchanging hands came to pass as either team refused to allow the other to score easy points. The ball hardly gained time to touch the floor. Within time, Seijoh now led with 20-19.

"We don't have to panic. It's still just one point." Daichi called out to calm their nerves. The next serve was made by Kyotani and was received by Daichi. It was then set up by Kageyama and spiked by Tanaka, unable to be received by the opposing team. Yamaguchi once more made his way onto the court with a swap with Hinata.

"Yamaguchi." He turned to see Tsuki holding the ball out to him. "Get a nice serve in." He the tossed the ball which the shorter one caught with a new determination.


He took a deep breath before serving. Kyotani seemed to have an inner debate on whether or not it would go out and no sooner had it touched his fingers, did it continue on its way out of bounds. The Karasuno stand cheered, however, they did so too early as Iwa was able to connect and send it back to his teammates. It was sent flying over to Karasuno's court, received and ready to be set.

As the four spikers ran up to the front for their synchronized attack, Kageyama set the ball which Asahi spiked across the net but it was once again received by Iwaizumi. At the end of it, Seijoh gained the point and Yamaguchi was off the court once more.

A while later and the points were 22-23 in Seijoh's favour, neither side backing down from the fight. Oikawa stepped up to serve, surprising everyone with one of his demon serves. The ball landed in Karasuno's court with a loud slap before anyone moved.

"One more." The whistle blew for Karasuno's timeout and Seijoh was now at match point 24-23.

"They're at match point so walls are pretty high up for this next point." Ukai spoke.


"Right." Takeda sensei stood making his way to the players.

The game resumed as Suga swapped in with Tsuki once more. Hinata stood facing the net, concentration at its highest. Kageyama looked at him with a glare.

"Why are you picking a fight with Hinata?" Tanaka questioned.

"NICE SERVE SUGA-SAN!" Suga made his serve. the other team lost to whether it was in or out. However, their ace was quick to set it up towards Oikawa who set it for the spiker. Kageyama jumped up to block at the sight of Kindaichi but Hinata, who waited and noticed Kyotani, jumped up later, at the same time pushing Kageyama to the side in the air. It was successful as he was able to block the spike gaining their team a point and tying things once more.


"Well he's a middle blocker. He's supposed to be able to block." Tsuki spoke out dryly. Kageyama was now clutching his side, staring daggers at the carrot head who caused the pain.

Suga made another swerve, this time closer to the front, breaking their formation. it was then spiked back into Karasuno's court, almost touching the floor before Suga rushed in to save it with a dive receive. Just as Kageyama was about to set, well, no one expected what happened next.

All the Karasuno spikers rushed to the front, each jumping for the spike that never came. Instead, the ball was dumped over the net by the blue haired spiker. It hit the floor before Oikawa could save it. He no laid on the floor looking up at Kageyama who looked down at him, burning a new hatred for the blue haired boy. 

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