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The revelation about Maya's troubled past and her connection to Y/n's family company propelled the quartet—Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kaito, and Y/n—into a new phase of their quest for truth. With Kaito's hacking skills at their disposal, they set out to uncover Maya's current whereabouts, hoping to confront her and unravel the mystery that had tainted their lives.

The dim glow of computer screens filled the room as Kaito, his fingers dancing across the keyboard with practiced precision, delved into the digital realm. The hum of computers and the occasional clacking of keys created an atmosphere of focused determination. Y/n, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi watched in anticipation, their eyes fixed on the screen as lines of code scrolled by.

After what felt like an eternity, Kaito's face lit up with triumph. "I've located her," he announced, his voice filled with confidence. "Maya Thompson. She's living in Sendai City, working as a freelance graphic designer."

The room fell into a momentary silence as the weight of this revelation settled in. Sendai City—an unfamiliar territory that held the key to unravelling the tangled web of deceit. The group exchanged glances, a mix of determination and apprehension in their eyes.

Y/n, her voice tinged with resolve, spoke up. "We need to approach this carefully. Confronting her directly might not yield the answers we're looking for. We need a plan, a way to contact her without arousing suspicion."

Tsukishima, ever pragmatic, nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We don't want to tip her off before we have a chance to understand her motives."

Kaito, his gaze focused on the screen, suggested, "We could create a fake project and reach out to her as potential clients. It's a common strategy to get in touch with freelancers. We can then arrange a meeting and gauge her reactions without raising any red flags."

Yamaguchi, always considerate, added, "And during the meeting, we can subtly steer the conversation toward the past, see if she drops any hints about her motives. We need to be cautious but thorough."

With the plan in place, the group set to work. Kaito, with his expertise, created a fictitious project, complete with a detailed backstory and requirements. The goal was to make the proposal enticing enough to capture Maya's attention without revealing their true intentions.

As the days passed, the quartet waited with bated breath for Maya's response. Each notification on their phones became a source of anticipation, a potential link to the answers they sought. Finally, the moment arrived. Maya had expressed interest in the project, and a meeting was scheduled.

The tension in the room was palpable as the group prepared for the encounter. Y/n, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, and Kaito gathered around a virtual meeting room, the glow of computer screens reflecting the mix of emotions in their eyes.

Maya appeared on the screen, her demeanor professional yet guarded. The fake project was discussed, and as the conversation flowed, the quartet carefully steered it toward the past, attempting to unravel the mystery without tipping their hand.

Y/n, her heart pounding, seized a moment of opportunity. "Maya, I couldn't help but notice that you used to work at C/N(Company name). How was your experience there?"

Maya's expression flickered, a brief moment of hesitation that didn't escape their notice. "It was... fine," she replied, her tone guarded. "But I left for better opportunities."

Tsukishima, the master strategist, pressed further. "Were there any specific reasons for leaving, any challenges you faced?"

Maya's gaze wavered, and a flicker of discomfort crossed her features. "Just the usual workplace politics. Nothing worth discussing."

The group exchanged glances, a silent acknowledgment that Maya was withholding information. The meeting continued, and as Maya delved into the details of the fake project, the quartet observed her carefully, looking for any signs that might reveal the truth.

As the virtual meeting continued, Maya expressed eagerness to move forward with the project. The quartet, however, remained cautious, realising that the real challenge lay in uncovering Maya's motives without exposing their true agenda.

As discussions circled back to Maya's time at Y/n's family company, a moment of vulnerability emerged. Maya, perhaps caught off guard by the persistent inquiries, let slip a crucial piece of information.

"Well, you see," she began, her voice faltering for a moment, "someone... someone paid me to gather information. I was a mole within the company."

Silence hung in the virtual room, a collective gasp stifled as Maya's admission sank in. The revelation sent shockwaves through the quartet, each processing the implications of Maya's role as a pawn in a larger game.

"Paid you?" Tsukishima questioned, his voice cutting through the stunned quiet. "Who paid you, and why would you betray your workplace for money?"

Maya hesitated, her eyes flickering with a mix of guilt and defiance. "It was a better job offer. I was struggling, and this was an opportunity for a fresh start. They promised me a position with higher pay and better prospects once I gathered enough information."

Y/n, her voice laced with a blend of frustration and empathy, asked, "Who was behind this? Who would use you as a pawn in such a deceitful game?"

Maya's gaze dropped, and a shadow of regret crossed her features. "I don't know their real name. We communicated through encrypted channels. They offered me a chance at a better life, and I took it. I didn't realize the extent of the damage I was causing."

The quartet exchanged glances, the weight of Maya's revelation sinking in. She had been manipulated, a pawn in a larger scheme orchestrated by someone with their own agenda. The realization opened a new chapter in their quest for truth, one that involved unmasking the puppet master behind Maya's actions.

Yamaguchi, his voice measured, inquired, "How did they contact you, Maya? Did you ever meet this person in person?"

Maya shook her head. "No, it was all through encrypted messages. They were careful to keep their identity hidden. I never met them face-to-face."

Kaito, always analytical, suggested, "We need to trace these encrypted messages, see if we can find any leads. Maya, can you provide us with any information that might help in identifying this person?"

Maya, her demeanour shifting from defiance to cooperation, nodded. "I kept copies of some of the messages. I didn't know it would lead to all this, but I want to make things right. I'll share whatever information I have."

The quartet, now united in a shared goal, began the meticulous process of unravelling the encrypted messages. Kaito, with his expertise, worked tirelessly to trace the digital breadcrumbs left by Maya's mysterious contact.

Things are starting to unravel
Oshiete oshiete-

Ahem, pardon me.

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